What is the function of a cockroach head?

What is the function of a cockroach head?

Another structure on the head, is a pair of long, well-developed antennae, sensory organs used to detect odors and vibrations in the air. Inside the head is a small brain which coordinates the various body functions. Figure 2-2. German cockroach life cycle, similar to other cockroach species.

What is the function of cockroach antennae?

The antennae can sense vibrations, collect and interpret odors, detect air moisture, and sense barometric pressure changes. If a cockroach loses its antennae, it will be more vulnerable to predation. Cockroaches adapt to injuries and adjust how they move their antennae until the body parts have regrown.

Why do cockroaches have spines on their legs?

It consists of hard yet bendable plates—capable of efficiently transmitting energy to its legs—connected by elastic membranes that allow the plates to overlap as the insect compresses. Thanks to spines that give traction when its legs are splayed, a cockroach can scuttle even at maximum scrunch.

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Do cockroaches have 4 legs?

Roach Legs: What They Look Like and What They Do How many legs do roaches have? Six—two front legs, 2 middle legs, and 2 hind legs. Like all insects, cockroaches have six legs.

What is the function of the antenna?

The primary function of antennae is the assessment of the chemical and physical characteristics of the environment. Detection is made with innervated chemosensory and mechanosensory organs that are arrayed on the antennae. A single antenna usually has sensory organs of several types, with different properties.

What are cockroach mandibles?

In cockroach, mandibles are a pair of short, triangular, hard, unjointed,chitinised structures present on either side of the mouth. The inner margins of mandibles have teeth like structures. Each mandible has two types of teeth. They are incising teeth and grinding teeth.

Do cockroaches have eyes?

Though they look nothing like ours, roaches do have eyes. Although many parts of a cockroach’s anatomy are fairly primitive, their eyes are quite advanced, giving them almost 360-degree vision of the world around them. Though their eyes possess many remarkable features, they do have some limitations on sight.

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Does cockroach have nose?

Roaches’ heads house their eyes, antennae and mouthparts. Contrary to popular perception, their heads also house their brains. The other is that roaches don’t breathe through a nose or mouth. Instead, they draw air through spiracles, or holes in their sides.

What is the shape of the head in cockroach?

The head in cockroach is hypognathus. It is formed by the fusion of 6 segments. One pair of compound eyes are situated on the head which are black & kidney-shaped. Question 2. Describe in brief the mouth parts in cockroach.

What is the function of Malpighian tubules in cockroach?

There are a number of Malpighian tubules in cockroach. The main function of malpighian tubules is to help in the process of excretion. In this system of malpighian tubules, branched tubules are present and these tubules are extending from the alimentary canal of the cockroach.

What excretory glands are present in cockroaches?

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Apart from malpighian tubules, there are other excretory glands that are present in cockroaches. Fat Body: As the name suggests, fat cells are present in it. These cells are present below the body wall. These cells help in filling most of the spaces that are present in the body where internal organs are not present.

Do cockroaches have auditory receptors?

The receptors for hearing, i.e., auditory or chordotonal receptors are found on the anal cerci which respond to air or earth borne vibrations. The photoreceptor organs of insects are simple eyes or ocelli and compound eyes. But in cockroach, usually compound eyes are found.
