Tips and tricks

What is the highest marks in history optional in UPSC?

What is the highest marks in history optional in UPSC?

Toppers with History optional The following table gives the names of a few IAS toppers who had taken history as their optional subject. *Ishwar Kumar Kandoo secured the highest marks in history optional in 2017. He secured 160 and 156 in paper I and II respectively, giving him a total of 316/500.

Is history a scoring optional in UPSC?

History is a popular optional subject chosen by candidates in the IAS mains exam. It is a very important subject in the UPSC scheme of things because history is included in the IAS prelims exam and in the IAS mains general studies papers as well.

Is history a good optional subject for UPSC Mains?

A UPSC aspirant has to study history whether or not it is their optional subject. Thus, most of the candidates find it as one of the most suitable subjects as an optional paper for UPSC Mains. Interest – Interest in a particular subject should be given top priority while deciding an optional subject.

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Is there any undergraduate course for the UPSC Civil Services exam?

Although there is no such undergraduate (UG) course that can be labelled as an ideal course for the preparation of UPSC Civil Services Exam, there are some courses that can help you prepare for the optional subject that you wish to choose for the Main exam.

How can I ace history in the UPSC?

A good memory is required to ace history. A lot of things are subject to interpretation, unlike the sciences. So, your marks may vary from expectations in this subject. A subject like public administration or geography might help you as administrators in the future. The UPSC syllabus for history is vast.

Is history a good optional for the Civil Services exam?

One cannot really say if history is a good or bad optional but only that it is a candidate’s interests and aptitude in a subject that makes it suitable or not for the civil services exam. General studies (prelims + mains) contain portions from history.