
What is the inferiority complex in psychology?

What is the inferiority complex in psychology?

inferiority complex, a psychological sense of inferiority that is wholly or partly unconscious. The term has been used by some psychiatrists and psychologists, particularly the followers of the early psychoanalyst Alfred Adler, who held that many neurotic symptoms could be traced to overcompensation for this feeling.

Can inferiority complex leads to anxiety?

Inferiority Complex and Anxiety Battling constant feelings of inferiority can lead to anxiety in some people. A lack of self-worth may cause you to tense up in social situations, become uneasy, and even withdraw from engaging with others.

How does it feel like to have an inferiority complex?

However, some people feel such a strong feeling of inferiority that it stops being healthy or useful. This is what Adler called an “inferiority complex.” Instead of motivating you, an inferiority complex paralyzes you. It can result in extreme shyness or social anxiety, feeling worthless, and the desire to prevent failure through not trying.

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How to avoid developing an inferiority complex?

– Figure out whom you feel inferior to in the first place. – Try to find the cause of your feelings. Inferiority complexes may come from something in your past. – Understand that we’re all inferior in some ways. Everyone on earth is inferior to someone in some way. – Stop wanting to be like others. – Stop Worrying About What Others Think.

How to come out from inferiority complex?

Audit your life circle. : First things first.

  • Replace negative words you say. It might be true that you’re clumsy,overweight,or uneducated.
  • Inferiority complexes may come from your inner desire to be like someone else.
  • Throw the baby out with the bath water.
  • Consider what will stop you from feeling inferior.
  • How to break free from inferiority complex?

    Build self-confidence. Treat yourself better.

  • Surround yourself with people who uplift you. It’s important to realise that your inferiority complex might be linked to the people around you.
  • Stop worrying about what other people think.
  • Do not be harsh on yourself.
  • Self-talk.
  • Final thoughts.