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What is the INFJs purpose?

What is the INFJs purpose?

INFJs are idealists. We want to create a positive impact in the world. We want to help others based on what we feel is good and ideal for humanity. Furthermore, we want to have the freedom to do what we love and execute our vision.

Do INFJs have strong beliefs?

They have deeply held beliefs and an ability to act decisively to get what they want. Helper: While they are introverted by nature, people with this personality type can form strong, meaningful connections with other people. They enjoy helping others, but they also need time and space to recharge.

What is your purpose as an INFJ woman?

The ultimate goal is to help INFJ women uncover the true meaning of purpose. Spoiler alert: it’s not a job. I believe purpose is, as one INFJ woman put it on a recent survey, to be “comfortable being me.” The comfort of knowing who you are brings confidence.

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What are the characteristics of INFJs as philosophers?

They are great thinkers I’m pretty sure most of the ancient Greek philosophers, like Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle, were INFJs. They are great at contemplating and really think through everything from start to finish, considering every possible angle. In their mind, they leave no stone unturned before making a decision.

Why are INFJs so good at taking initiative?

That doesn’t stop them from taking initiative though. INFJs shine when it comes to mediating between different parties and when they’re part of the equation, disputes are usually solved very quickly (and to the satisfaction of all parties involved). 5. They build strong connections with people

What is the INFJ personality type?

INFJs are a rare kind of personality type, which is sad, because they are always looking for ways to help the greater good. They want to see their work make real impacts and transform other people’s lives, which is also the reason why this personality type is often nicknamed counselor or confidant.