
What is the influence of the Himalayas on Indian agriculture by Goprep?

What is the influence of the Himalayas on Indian agriculture by Goprep?

b. Rains – the Himalayas prevent the rain-bearing monsoon winds from escaping to Asia continent by obstructing its path and forcing them to rain in India. Monsoons are the main source of water/irrigation in India. Its failure results in drought and famine in many parts of India.

What is the influence of the Himalayas on Indian economy?

The Himalayas act as a barrier to the South West monsoon winds. When they strike the Himalayas, they shed their moisture bringing much needed rainfall in the northern parts of the country. Indian agriculture is immensely benefited by the Monsoons.

What is the influence of the Himalayas?

The Himalayas play a very important role in influencing the climate of India. India is a monsoon land only because of the presence of Himalayas. It traps the monsoon winds from Arabian sea and Bay of Bengal and forces them to shed their moisture content within the Indian sub-continent in the form of snow and rain.

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What is the influence of the Himalayas on Indian climate?

➢ The Himalayas act as a climatic divide between India and Central Asia. During winter, Himalayas protect India from cold and dry air masses of Central Asia . During monsoon months these mountain ranges act as an effective physical barrier for rain bearing south-west monsoon winds.

How have the Himalayas helped in shaping the history of India?

Explanation: The Himalayas in the north acted as a natural barrier between India and central Asia. These mountains had passes that went through between these mountains . People from all over the world came to India through these passes and have made our culture richer.

What is the influence of the Himalayas on Indian agriculture and on India climate?

Himalayas act as a barrier for the chilly or cold winds coming from north. Therefore, provides a suitable environment for the growth of agriculture crops. The rivers flowing through Himalayas are snow fed and hence perennial. These rivers provide water for irrigation and fertile alluvial soil in northern plains.

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What influence do the Himalayas have India’s climate?

What is the influence of Himalayas on agriculture?

The Himalayas have a profound influence on Indian agriculture. Many hydroelectric and water storage projects are built, which helps in agriculture. The cold winds and the monsoon type of climate are best for cultivating many spices like turmeric, pepper, cardamom, etc.

How Himalayas are helpful for agriculture and economy?

In addition to providing surface and groundwater, the Himalayan mountain system provides huge inputs to agriculture through regulating micro-climates as well as wind and monsoon circulation, and by supporting river and wetland ecosystems in South Asia.

Why inscriptions are important sources from Indian context?

Inscriptions especially those of the early medieval period have been used as a major source of information on administrative and revenue systems. They can also shed light on the history of settlement patterns, agrarian relations, forms of labour & class and caste structures.

What is the importance of the Himalayas in agriculture?

Himalaya plays an important role in our agriculture. It influences our agriculture system in following ways: Himalayas act as a barrier for the chilly or cold winds coming from north. Therefore, provides a suitable environment for the growth of agriculture crops. The rivers flowing through Himalayas are snow fed and hence perennial.

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How do Himalayas affect India’s climate?

Himalayas affect India’s climate by stopping the cold winds from the Siberia and it also acts as a barrier that protect the indian climate from asian cold winds…. Was this answer helpful?

How were the Himalayas formed?

The Himalayas were formed about 50 million years ago when the Indian subcontinent met the southern edge of the Eurasian plate. Since both plates are made of continental curst, this cause folding and uplifting in the region. The Himalayas form the boundary between the wet tropical regions to the south, and the cooler, drier regions to the north.

How many mountains are there in the Himalayas?

The tallest range of mountains in the world, the Himalayas have 50 peaks over 7,200 m (23,600 ft), and 10 of the 14 mountains in the world that are over 8,000 metres (26,247 ft). The Himalayas were formed about 50 million years ago when the Indian subcontinent met the southern edge of the Eurasian plate.