
What is the level of IBPS clerk mains exam?

What is the level of IBPS clerk mains exam?

IBPS Clerk Mains Exam Analysis 2020:

Sections Good attempts Difficulty level
Quantitative Aptitude 21-25 Moderate to difficult
Reasoning Ability 21-24 Difficult
General Awareness 34-37 Moderate to difficult
Total 97-110 Easy to moderate

Which is easy IBPS clerk or SBI PO?

SBI Clerk and IBPS PO both are reputed jobs in the country but includes different nature of work due to different designations….Difference Between SBI Clerk and IBPS PO.

Parameters SBI Clerk IBPS PO
Level of Exam Easy to Moderate Moderate to Difficult

Which exam is easy clerk or PO?

Both bank PO and Clerk have a Prelims and a mains test which the candidates have to qualify in order to be selected. The syllabus is similar for both the exams and so is the exam pattern. However, the exam for bank Po is considered tougher and it also has an interview round that must be qualified.

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Is IBPS Clerk exam tough than SBI clerk?

The is no difference between the exam pattern of SBI Clerk and IBPS Clerk exam. So the level and difficulty of the exam are also the same. In terms of career growth, SBI Clerk may be promoted to a post equivalent to a Probationary Officer within 3 to 4 years of appointment.

Can a clerk become manager?

The answer to this question is Yes! Candidates that join different banks as Clerks can certainly rise to the position of General Manager. Once a candidates completes a certain time period as Clerk, he/she can be promoted to the Officer Cadre as either a Trainee Officer or Junior Manager Grade Officer Scale-I.

Which exam is easy PO or clerk?

Is cashier a clerk or PO?

A clerk is someone who works as single window operator or cashier and po is something which is more like a clerk to manager who does or have to do all the works if needed. Where as po works from loans section to field work too.

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Is it hard to choose between Po and clerk in bank?

But the issue lies in choosing the right option in this banking domain as many posts are being offered. A few of the choicest options are with respect to the bank exams are Bank PO, SO and Clerk. But aspirants usually find it tough to make a choice between PO and Clerk.

Can I prepare for the IBPS clerk exam at the same time?

Yes, you can easily prepare for both exam at the same time, because both syllabus are almost same. If a student have a graduate degree from any recognized Indian institute, then he/ she appear for this exam. The Age Limit is between 20–28 years. IBPS Clerk Exam is conducted into two tiers.

What are the duties of a Po in a bank?

The major task of a bank PO is to look after almost every department related to finance, accounting, marketing, billing, and investments. Aspirants who are starting their Probationary Officer exam preparation can check the Bank PO Question Papers at the linked article. Handle customers with respect to transactions through a bank.

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What is the scope of Bank Exams?

Bank Exams are one of the most popular government exams these days. The reason is the lucrative career options offered by the banking domain. The opportunities of this banking domain are for all stream of candidates which makes it even more desirable amongst the aspirants.