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What is the longest running time of any movie?

What is the longest running time of any movie?

Experimental films

Title Running time Year released
Logistics 51420 min (857 hr / 35 days, 17 hours) 2012
Modern Times Forever 14400 min (240 hr / 10 days) 2011
Beijing 2003 9000 min (150 hr / 6 days, 6 hours) 2003
Cinématon 9000 min (150 hr / 6 days, 6 hours) 2009

Which movie is one of the longest Bollywood films of all time with a running time of 4 hours and 25 minutes?

Mera Naam Joker The film had a total run time of 4 hours and 4 minutes. However, it also had two intervals spaced out in that long duration.

What is the longest film made?

The longest film ever made was the 85 hour The Cure for Insomnia (USA 1987), directed by John Henry Timmis IV and premiered in its entirety at The School of the Art Institute of Chicago, USA from 31 January to 3 February 1987.

Which is the longest movie in Bollywood by run time?

Khatarnaak With a run time of 3 hours and 43 minutes, the movie enters our list of Top 20 longest Bollywood Movies by Run Time comfortably. The movie features Sanjay Dutt, Farha Naaz and Anita Raj in the lead roles. The movie proved to be very super hit at the box office.

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Is Sangam Sangam the longest running movie in India?

The movie has one of the longest running films in India. The movie was a most anticipated film of that time, as it took almost six years to make. The movie was critically and commercially disaster. But eventually, the movie got cult status now. 4. Sangam Sangam took fourth place in our list of Top 20 longest Bollywood Movies by Run Time.

Which is the second Hindi film to have two intervals?

Mera Naam Joker is the second Hindi film to have two intervals, the first being Sangam (1964) 4. LOC Kargil With a running time of 255 minutes, it is one of the longest Indian films ever made and fifth in terms of running time. The film is based on the 1999, Operation Vijay and Battle of Tololing around the Line of control.

How many years is the movie Maratha Mandir running in India?

The film is running in Maratha Mandir even today taking its total run to 22 years and still counting. Made on a budget of approximately Rs. 4 crore, DDLJ minted Rs. 120 crores in its lifetime run.