
What is the meaning of 5K salary?

What is the meaning of 5K salary?

5k means 5,000 rupees in salary. For example :2k-2,000,77k-77,000,30k-80k->30,000–80,000.

What does t mean in salary?

The term TA in your salary slip stands for Travelling Allowance and your company allots an amount of money for all the travelling expenses you incur during any business tour. It covers all the travel fares, hotel tariffs, and meal expenses of an employee on a business tour.

What is annum salary?

Per annum means “by the year” in Latin. Definitions of per annum. adverb. by the year; every year (usually with reference to a sum of money paid or received) “he earned $100,000 per annum”

What does 10t mean in money?

10*1 Deca (D or da) 10 Ten / Ten. 10*2 Hecto (h) 100 Hundred /Hundred. 10*3 Kilo (k) 1,000 Thousand /Thousand. 10*6 Mega (M) 1,000,000 Million /Million.

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What is meant by 10t?

This slang term is used by technical support staff in IT departments to refer to an error caused by the user, rather than an actual problem with the equipment. For example, “the caller on line 1 has an I.D. 10-T error.” The term is used to avoid being blatantly offensive.

What is meant by 25k?

“k” is laymen’s terminology for thousands. 25k means 25,000.

What is the meaning of K in 50k?

The letter ‘k’ here is used as a multiplier for the numeric equivalent of 1,000 (from the metric prefix kilo). So, it means 50,000.

What does MOS 15T stand for?

UH-60 Helicopter Repairer (MOS 15T) Description / Major Duties: The UH-60 helicopter repairer supervises, and performs maintenance on UH-60 helicopters in all Army components and UH-1 helicopters in the Active Component, excluding repair of systems components. Duties for MOS 15T…

What are the requirements for award of MOS 15T?

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Other Requirements for Award of MOS 15T: 1 (1) Normal color vision. 2 (2) Formal training (completion of a resident MOS 15T course conducted under the auspices of the U.S. Army Aviation… 3 (3) Alcohol and drug abuse as defined below will disqualify any Soldier or potential enlistee from this MOS. This… More

What does an MOS 15t/uh-60 do?

MOS 15T/UH-60 Helicopter Repairer Duty Descriptions. SSG/15T/Section Sergeant Supervises and assigns work within the section; manages and prioritizes workload according to availability of resources and equipment; ensures required pubs are on-hand and all applicable changes are posted; coordinates all maintenance actions with…

What does a MOSC 15t40 do?

MOSC 15T40. Supervise aircraft maintenance and technical inspection activities. Determines man hours, personnel, parts and facility requirements to repair aircraft and associated equipment. Plan aircraft maintenance areas, component repair, shops and facilities.