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What is the meaning of someone being diplomatic?

What is the meaning of someone being diplomatic?

: involving the work of maintaining good relations between the governments of different countries : of or relating to diplomats or their work. : not causing bad feelings : having or showing an ability to deal with people politely.

What does not being diplomatic mean?

: not diplomatic: such as. a : not of, relating to, or concerned with diplomats or diplomacy nondiplomatic personnel/channels. b : not employing tact and conciliation : undiplomatic a nondiplomatic response.

What does politically inclined mean?

adj demonstrating progressive ideals, esp. by avoiding vocabulary that is considered offensive, discriminatory, or judgmental, esp.

What does it mean to be politically correct?

Being politically correct, or PC, is, “ the attitude or policy of being careful not to offend or upset any group of people in society who are believed to have a disadvantage .” What I do not understand is how the idea of being PC is so laughable, so scary, and so daunting ….

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Do we have too much sensitivity for political correctness?

And for many that is a frightening thought. Cue the claims for too much sensitivity and being unnecessarily politically correct. Being politically correct, or PC, is, “ the attitude or policy of being careful not to offend or upset any group of people in society who are believed to have a disadvantage .”

What is politically correct language and how does it affect us?

Language, therefore, when used carelessly or maliciously, can reveal and promote our biases against various identity groups. In this manner, the strict use of politically correct language helps to prevent the marginalization and social exclusion of those groups.

What are the goals of political correctness?

One of the most commonly stated goals of political correctness is the elimination of verbal discrimination and negative stereotyping. The demand for political correctness is often controversial and becomes the source of criticism and satire.