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What is the most destructive weapon in Star Wars?

What is the most destructive weapon in Star Wars?

The Death Stars were the Empire’s superweapons of terror. A superweapon was a weapon with capacities far out of line with normal military technology, such as destroying entire planets or star systems, and often requiring great resources to create.

What is the strangest lightsaber?

Star Wars: The Most UNUSUAL Lightsabers in Jedi & Sith History

  • The Proto-Saber.
  • Dorwin Corvax’s Lightsword.
  • Jedi Temple Guard Lightsaber Pikes.
  • The Darksaber.
  • Darth Atrius’s Dual Crossguard Lightsabers.
  • Stellan Gios’s Broadsword Lightsaber.
  • Lightwhips.
  • Pong Krell’s Twin Double-Bladed Lightsaber.

What is the Star Wars weapon called?

(the prop is based on the frame of a real Sterling submachine gun). A blaster is a fictional gun that appears in the Star Wars universe. Lucasfilm defines the blaster as “ranged energized particle weaponry”.

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Why don’t they use real bullets in Star Wars?

Bullets tend to ricochet, making them very dangerous within a spacecraft where they could hit an unintended (and possibly vital) piece of equipment. Guns also can’t be used to breach the hull of a spaceship or stun a target, making the blaster more versatile.

What’s the most powerful thing in Star Wars?

Darth Vader
While the Emperor reigns, he is the most feared being in the Galactic Republic. Both Obi-Wan and Palpatine met their demise at his hands. No matter which way you slice it, Darth Vader is the most powerful being in Star Wars. Over 40 years later, no one can top him.

Who has the coolest lightsaber in Star Wars?

Star Wars: 15 Best Lightsabers, Ranked

  1. 1 Luke Skywalker’s Green Lightsaber (Return of the Jedi)
  2. 2 Darth Maul’s Double-Bladed Red Lightsaber.
  3. 3 Obi-Wan Kenobi’s Blue Lightsaber (The Phantom Menace)
  4. 4 Anakin Skywalker / Luke Skywalker / Rey Skywalker’s Blue Lightsaber.
  5. 5 Ahsoka Tano’s White Lightsabers (Rebels)
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What Blaster did the clones use?

DC-15A Blaster Rifle
Infantry. DC-15A Blaster Rifle – One of the two most common weapons used among clone troopers during the Clone Wars.