What is the most sober country?

What is the most sober country?

Alcoholism by Country 2021

Country Male Combined
Russia 36.90\% 20.90\%
Belarus 33.90\% 18.80\%
Latvia 28.80\% 15.50\%
United States 17.60\% 13.90\%

What country has the lowest alcohol consumption?

This statistic lists the countries in Latin America and in the Caribbean with the lowest per capita consumption of alcohol in 2016. That year, Guatemala had the lowest alcohol consumption among its population aged 15 years and older, with 2.4 liters of pure alcohol per capita consumed yearly.

What country has the highest alcohol tolerance?

These are the heaviest drinking countries in the world. Belarus had the world’s highest level of alcohol consumption, with 17.5 liters of alcohol consumed per capita. The country’s high level of consumption has had serious health consequences on its residents.

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What country drinks the most wine?

Which countries drink the most wine? Ask Decanter

  • Portugal topped the charts, on 62.1 litres per person on average, closely followed by Luxembourg on 55.5 litres.
  • France and Italy came in at 50.2 and 43.7 litres, with the UK back at 22.6 litres and the US coming in at 12.4 litres.

Which country drinks the most alcohol 2021?

Based on a comparison of 42 countries in 2020, Latvia ranked the highest in alcohol consumption per capita with 12.9 litres followed by Austria and Czech Republic. On the other end of the scale was Indonesia with 0.100 litres, Turkey with 1.30 litres and Costa Rica with 3.10 litres.

What nationality is best at drinking?

Promise to drink responsibly and you can join us.

  1. Great Britain. While the Irish have one date to celebrate their country’s abiding love of alcohol, the British have three: yesterday, today and tomorrow.
  2. China.
  3. Russia.
  4. France.
  5. Ecuador.
  6. Moldova.
  7. South Korea.
  8. Uganda.
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What is the best country to drink alcohol?

World’s 10 best drinking nations 1 Great Britain. 2 China. 3 Russia. 4 France. 5 Ecuador. 6 Moldova. 7 South Korea. 8 Uganda. 9 Germany. 10 Australia.

What is the legal drinking age in different countries?

In Cyprus, Greece, and Malta the legal drinking age is 17. Countries with a legal drinking age at the top end of the scale include Lithuania and Iceland at 20. Italy’s official legal drinking age is a bit of a mystery. Many people allow minors to have a sip of wine at meals.

Why do Europeans drink so much alcohol?

Studies also show that the more economic wealth a country has, the more alcohol they consume, and the more heavy drinking there is. In some circles, Europe has a reputation for promoting responsible drinking in its youths, but many engage in heavy drinking there.

What is the youngest age to drink alcohol in Europe?

The youngest legal age associated with alcohol in Europe is in Germany. Here, a minor can drink undistilled alcohol like wine or beer at 14 years old, if they are accompanied by what is called a Custodial Person, (ie their parents or another adult who is in charge of their welfare).