What is the most unusual color?

What is the most unusual color?

Vantablack is known as the darkest man made pigment. The color, which absorbs almost 100 percent of visible light, was invented by Surrey Nanosystems for space exploration purposes. The special production process and unavailability of vantablack to the general public makes it the rarest color ever.

How do you photograph an aura?

First, you place your palms on a pair of metal plates, which are connected to a camera. When the photographer hits the shutter button, the plates send information about your energy to the camera. Colors corresponding to that energy then appear around your figure in a printed Polaroid photo.

How do you find out what color your aura is?

Without moving your eyes, scan the outer perimeter of your head and shoulders. The color you see surrounding your head and shoulders is your aura. Another way to find your aura is to stare at your hands for approximately one minute. The glow you see radiating from the outside lining of your hands is your aura.

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What is the Universal aura scanner?

The Universal Aura Scanner or UAS is one such device that has been developed by Dr Mannem Murthy, a former nuclear scientist. It has patented technology that measures subtle energy as per certain parameters explained below.

What is a measured aura reading?

Aura in simple words is the energy field of an object. The strength of this energy field is picked up by the UAS and labelled as the ‘ measured aura ’ of that specific object. The measured aura reading can indicate positivity or negativity depending on the predominant vibrations of the subject.

What is an aura photo and how can it help?

Your aura is as individual as your fingerprint and understanding it is a powerful aid in expanding your intuitive awareness. The aura photo provides you with this opportunity. Use it as a self discovery tool to help gain a deeper understanding of your special chakra energy.

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How does a UAS detect vibrations?

The samples which are inserted into the UAS and which enable it to detect negative and positive vibrations are generic samples and are provided by the manufacturer. These sample along with the electronic sensors (antennae) fitted into the UAS scanner arms help to detect the subtle vibrations.