
What is the most used English word in the world?

What is the most used English word in the world?

‘The’ tops the league tables of most frequently used words in English, accounting for 5\% of every 100 words used. “’The’ really is miles above everything else,” says Jonathan Culpeper, professor of linguistics at Lancaster University.

Which is the most commonly used words in written English?

Top 100 words

Rank Word
1 the
2 be
3 to
4 of

What are the top 10 most used words in English?

The 100 most common words in English

1. the 21. at 61. some
8. you 28. had 68. time
9. that 29. by 69. has
10. it 30. word 70. look
11. he 31. but 71. two

How many English words are commonly used?

We have seen that the Oxford English Dictionary contains 171,476 words in current use, whereas a vocabulary of just 3000 words provides coverage for around 95\% of common texts. If you do the math, that’s 1.75\% of the total number of words in use!

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What are the 1000 most commonly used words in English?

1000 Most Frequently Used Words in English

  • abandon.
  • ability.
  • able.
  • abortion.
  • about.
  • above.
  • abroad.
  • absence.

What the most common word?

We have listed them here by their most common part of speech. For example, the word this can be a pronoun, adjective, or adverb, depending on the context, but we have it listed under pronoun because that’s one of its most common uses….Here are some common prepositions:

  • of.
  • in.
  • to.
  • for.
  • with.
  • on.
  • by.
  • out.

How do you spell 100000 in words?

How do you spell the number 100000 in English? In both British English and American English, many words have variations in spelling, but numbers will be spelled the same. In dictionaries, the preferred spelling is listed first among the headwords of an entry. The correct spelling of 100000 in words is: one hundred thousand

What are the most common English words?

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The most common consonant in English is “t.”. With “e” being so common in the English language, one would think that it would start the most words. Actually “t” begins the most words, followed by “o.” “E” is the letter which most commonly occurs third in a word, and is the third most common second letter in a word.

What are the most commonly used words?

The 500 Most Commonly Used Words in the English Language. Based on the combined results of British English, American English and Australian English surveys of contemporary sources in English: newspapers, magazines, books, TV, radio and real life conversations-the language as it is written and spoken today.

What is the most common word in English?

The most common word in the English language is THE, so after the schwa, [th] would be the sound you. The use of the labiodental fricatives [f] and [v] for the dental fricatives [θ] and [ð] is a well known feature of Cockney. Th-fronting refers to the pronunciation of the English “th” as “f” or “v”.