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What is the nationality of a person who lives in Russia?

What is the nationality of a person who lives in Russia?

Ethnic groups of Russia, 1926-2010

Ethnic group Language family Main area
Russians Slavic European Russia
Tatars Turkic European Russia
Ukrainians Slavic European Russia

What is the Russian language called?

RussianRussia / Official languageRussian is an East Slavic language native to Russia in Eastern Europe. It is a part of the Indo-European language family, and is one of four living East Slavic languages, and also part of the larger Balto-Slavic branch. Wikipedia

What does Za Stalina mean?

Originally posted by Fanda Nyamo: “Za rodinu!” means For the motherland. “Za Stalina!” means For Stalin, obviously.

What is it called when Russian is written in English?

Cyrillization or Cyrillisation is the process of rendering words of a language that normally uses a writing system other than Cyrillic script into (a version of) the Cyrillic alphabet.

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Does the Russian language have a lot of slang?

The Russian language is extremely rich in slang words (and curse words too). While I was researching Russian slang words/phrases, I came across a website, which is actually a slang/curse dictionary — and it has lots of content.

Is the Russian language similar to other languages?

Of course, some languages are closer to ​​Russian in written form, others – in spoken language. Many Russian words can be heard in other Slavic languages. But Slavic languages ​​too left their mark in the Russian language with a number of words.

How to say “Wow” in Russian?

You can use this Russian slang phrase to express your amazement — It means a surprise that you did not expect. You can compare it to “Wow” in English. “Нифига себе!” or “Офигеть!” 3. Да ну нафиг! This sounds similar to the previous one, but this Russian slang phrase actually means “I don’t want to do it” or „To hell with that“. 4.

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How many languages can Russian speakers understand in Belarus?

Belarusian and Ukrainian Languages. By a rough estimate, Russian-speaking people can understand up to 70\% of spoken and written Belarusian and Ukrainian languages. Those words that Russian-speaking people do not understand are usually supplemented by context.