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What is the next big trend in tech?

What is the next big trend in tech?

Process automation and virtualization “By 2025, more than 50 billion devices will be connected to the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT),” McKinsey predicts. Robots, automation, 3D-printing, and more will generate around 79.4 zettabytes of data per year.

What is the most significant tech trend of 2020?

A survey of IT professionals finds AR and 5G bust for 2020, machine learning and DevOps on top.

What is the hottest trending technology right now why?

Top Trending Technologies in 2021

  • Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. Artificial intelligence and machine learning once represented the cutting edge of computer science.
  • Data Science.
  • Full Stack Development.
  • Robotic Process Automation.
  • Edge Computing.
  • Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality.
  • Blockchain.
  • 5G.
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What is the most trending technology?

Let’s see and discuss the following.

  • Artificial Intelligence. When we talk about the top ten latest technologies in computer science of 2021, AI comes at the first place as it’s a trending technology.
  • Robotic Process Automation.
  • Internet of Things (IoT)
  • Intelligent Apps.
  • 5G.
  • Machine Learning.
  • Blockchain.
  • Cognitive Computing.

What is the most advanced technology country?

In the index’s eighth edition for 2020, Germany was named the most technologically advanced nation, followed by South Korea and Singapore. Germany is most known for its engineering, home to Volkswagen, Siemens, and more.

What are the most over-hyped trends in data center technology?

While there wasn’t a broad consensus, augmented reality (AR), 5G wireless, biometric authentication, blockchain and AI in the data center claimed the top five spots in this category. AR ranked highest on the list of over-hyped trends at 39 percent, but the majority agree that it deserves attention (51 percent). Why the disparity?

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What are the biggest tech trends for 2020?

A survey of IT professionals finds AR and 5G bust for 2020, machine learning and DevOps on top. Cloud provider INAP surveyed IT professionals to see what they thought of the biggest tech trends, and the result is a list that tech leaders could use to plot initiatives for the year ahead.

Is 5G technology overhyped?

In other words, 5G may be happening now, but it’s still an overhyped trend because it won’t even be practical to consumers for another five years. Biometric identification is a fine technology, provided biometrics are used as another layer on a central security system, INAP said.

Is augmented reality overhyped?

INAP’s Laura Vietmeyer notes that AR may be more popular than this makes it seem, as despite being considered the most overhyped it also was considered worth attention by 51\% of respondents. The reason AR is still worth consideration, said Vietmeyer, a content specialist for INAP, is because it’s applicable to some industries, but not to all.