
What is the only acceleration in projectile motion?

What is the only acceleration in projectile motion?

Constant vertical acceleration The only acceleration of a projectile is the downwards acceleration due to gravity (see Figure 1 below). Vertical acceleration is always equal to 9.8 m s 2 9.8\,\dfrac{\text m}{\text s^2} 9.

What happens to the acceleration of gravity during projectile motion?

However, the presence of gravity does not affect the horizontal motion of the projectile. The force of gravity acts downward and is unable to alter the horizontal motion. Thus, the projectile travels with a constant horizontal velocity and a downward vertical acceleration.

How does gravity affect the trajectory of a projectile?

Gravity will affect a projectile as it will decrease the height the projectile can obtain. The force of gravity acts on the object to stop its upward movement and pull it back to earth, limiting the vertical component of the projectile. As a projectile moves through the air it is slowed down by air resistance.

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What is acceleration of projectile at the top of its trajectory?

The final vertical velocity of a projectile is always equal to the initial vertical velocity. The vertical acceleration of a projectile is 0 m/s/s when it is at the peak of its trajectory.

Why the projectile has no acceleration in the horizontal direction?

A projectile is any object upon which the only force is gravity, Projectiles travel with a parabolic trajectory due to the influence of gravity, There are no horizontal forces acting upon projectiles and thus no horizontal acceleration, The horizontal motion of a projectile is independent of its vertical motion.

Why there is no horizontal acceleration in projectile?

The horizontal acceleration of projectile is zero because there are no forces along horizontal axis. Explanation: According to Newton’s second law, if a force is applied on an object then an acceleration is produced in the direction of force.

Why is the acceleration due to gravity the same for all objects?

the value of g is 9.8 meters per square second on the surface of the earth. The gravitational acceleration g decreases with the square of the distance from the center of the earth. So all objects, regardless of size or shape or weight, free fall with the same acceleration.

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Why is there no acceleration in the horizontal direction?

There will be no acceleration in horizontal direction during projectile motion because the horizontal component of velocity is the same throughout its motion.

Is the acceleration of a projectile equal to zero when it reaches the top of its trajectory if not why not?

Explain your answer. As long as air resistance is negligible, the acceleration of a projectile is constant and equal to the acceleration due to gravity. The acceleration of the projectile, therefore, is the same at every point in its trajectory, and can never be zero.

Why is the velocity zero at the top of the trajectory?

When an object is projected upward it goes against gravity, so the velocity begins to decelerate. Once the projectile reaches maximum height,it begins to accelerate downwards. Therefore velocity is zero at maximum height(V$_{max}=0).

What is the direction of acceleration in projectile motion?

Accelerations in the horizontal & vertical direction of a particle in projectile motion: When a particle is projected in the air with some speed, the only force acting on it during its time in the air is the acceleration due to gravity (g). This acceleration acts vertically downward.

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How can the gravitational acceleration acting on anybody be explained?

Using the following equation, the gravitational acceleration acting on anybody can be explained Here, G is the universal gravitational constant (G = 6.673×10-11 N.m2/Kg2.) M is the mass of the body whose gravitational force acts on the given object under certain condition. r is the planet radius.

How do you solve problems in projectile motion?

Identify and explain the properties of a projectile, such as acceleration due to gravity, range, maximum height, and trajectory. Determine the location and velocity of a projectile at different points in its trajectory. Apply the principle of independence of motion to solve projectile motion problems.

What is the acceleration when the object moves up or down?

There is acceleration when it moves up or down. This acceleration is due to gravity. In total journey, component of initial velocity i.e. sin theta continuously changes but component of initial velocity along horizontal i.e. cos theta do not changes at all.