Tips and tricks

What is the only thing you can take with you to heaven?

What is the only thing you can take with you to heaven?

Our Lord spoke of this in the parable of the sower and the seed (Matthew 13:1-23). Many of us also enjoy unique and special relationships that will transcend this life because of the blood of Christ. Family truly is the only thing we can take to heaven. It is time that we start living our lives like we understand that.

Can you bring stuff into heaven?

You can not “bring” ANYTHING to “heaven”. Rest assured that you will receive everything you have earned. You and I will receive the wages of sin (disobedience) at the end of the “shift”. The wages/rewards for your good/righteous deeds are laid up for you in the Kingdom of God (“Heaven”).

What will Heaven be like?

In fact, heaven will be glorious and full of grandeur. We will experience fullness of joy as we live in the presence of God and fellowship with each other. There are so many reasons to look forward to heaven, I want to give you a glimpse of three things heaven will be like.

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Is it possible to understand Heaven from human perspective?

Although the Bible discusses heaven, it is not possible to understand the full nature of heaven from a human perspective. Since heaven is where God lives, it must contain more physical and temporal dimensions than those found in this physical universe that God created.

Does heaven exist outside of space and time?

Heaven exists outside the dimensions of both space and time. The Bible says that God exists outside of time and created time, probably as the means of implementing cause and effect. Without cause and effect, actions don’t have consequences and choices don’t have repercussions.

Will our work Be Sweeter in Heaven?

In heaven, we’ll be part of it all; and all our mentors, heroes, friends, ancestors, and descendants—all who know Jesus—will be there with us! Our work will be sweeter in heaven. Many people don’t think of heaven as a place of work but rather as a place of rest; but in heaven, the two go together.