Tips and tricks

What is the pass mark for Afcat exam?

What is the pass mark for Afcat exam?

A: The cutoff marks of AFCAT & EKT 2020 were 155 and 40, respectively.

What was the cut off of Afcat 2020?

AFCAT Previous Years Cut Off

AFCAT (02) 2020 155 40
AFCAT (01) 2020 153 40
AFCAT (02) 2019 142 50
AFCAT (01) 2019 133 50

What is a good score in Afcat 2020?

As per the previous year’s trends, a score between 150-180 is good enough to get shortlisted for an interview. Students should aim to score more than 160, as due to high competition, the candidate will have more chances of getting a mention on the final merit list.

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Is it easy to crack Afcat?

Yes, with proper guidance and strategy, one can easily crack the AFCAT 2022 exam. To start preparing for the exam, candidates must get all the basic concepts clear by referring to the NCERT Books.

How to check the AFCAT cut off 2021?

AFCAT (II) cutoff 2021 is expected to be released in September along with the result. To check the cutoff marks, candidates need to login with email ID, password, and captcha code. AFCAT cutoff is mentioned on the scorecard. On the basis of AFCAT cut off, candidates are selected for AFSB Interview.

What are the minimum qualifying marks required for the AFCAT exam?

The minimum qualifying marks required for you to become eligible for the AFSC Round are the AFCAT Cut off marks. The results were declared on 17th March 2021 and its cutoff marks were announced on the same day as well. Here are the minimum qualifying marks for the AFCAT Online exam 2021.

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What is AFCAT in Indian Air Force?

The Air Force Common Admission Test (AFCAT) is conducted twice a year to select candidates for Flying Branch and Ground Duties (Technical & Non-Technical) branches in Indian Air Force. The AFCAT selection process involves the following three stages:

Is it compulsory to clear ekt cut off for AFSB interview?

A. Yes, you will be eligible for the AFSB interview only if you have selected other Non-Technical branches such as administration, flying, etc. However, you will not be considered for the Technical Branch. Q. Is it compulsory to clear EKT cutoff along with AFCAT cutoff, if I have applied for both? A.