Tips and tricks

What is the probability of selecting the letter i from the word Mississippi?

What is the probability of selecting the letter i from the word Mississippi?

1 Expert Answer There are 11 letters in “Mississippi”, four of which are “i”s. Hence the odds of picking an “i” on the first pick are 4/11. If you pick an “i”, there are 10 letters left, 3 of which are “i”s, so the probability of picking an “i” on that try are 3/10.

What is the probability of spelling Mississippi?

What is the probability that they still spell MISSISSIPPI? Solution. There are 11 letters in the word, so there are 11! ways of scrambling them, each with probability 1/11!.

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How many anagrams are possible from the word Mississippi?

There we go! There are 34,650 permutations of the word MISSISSIPPI.

How many arrangements of the letters in Mississippi have no consecutive S’s?

The total arrangements of the letters in Mississippi having no consecutive s’s=70X105=7350. So, the answer is 7350.

What is the probability of picking letter T from the word mathematics?

Answer: 2/11 is the answer.

How many arrangements of the letters in Mississippi exist such that the 2 P’s are separated?

We have 7 letters with 4 I’s and 2 P’s, so that’s a total of 105 permutations.

How many times do you choose a letter at random from Mississippi?

You choose a letter at random from the word Mississippi eleven times without replacement. What is the probability that you can form the word Mississippi with the eleven chosen letters? Hint: it may be helpful to number the eleven letters as 1, 2,…, 11.

What is the probability that you choose letter I the second time?

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1 The probability that you choose letter M the first time is 1 11. 2 Then, given 1, the probability that you choose letter I the second time is 4 10. From this point on the phrase: “given the result of the previous drawings” will be omitted.

How many different ways can you form the word Mississippi?

So, in order to form the word Mississippi, we have for the first letter 1 option, 4 for the second and third letters, 3 for the fourth (since we’ve already used one “s”) and so on, which amounts to a total of 4 2 ∗ 3 2 ∗ 2 3 = 1152 different ways of doing so.

How many possible permutations are there for the word Mississippi?

Since MISSISSIPPI has 11 letters, draw eleven lines and fill each in with the number of available letter choices, e.g. 11 options for the first, 10 for the second, and so on… This is equal to 11! or 39,916,800 permutations.