What is the process of payment gateway?

What is the process of payment gateway?

A payment gateway is an online payments’ service that, when integrated with the e-commerce platform, is devised as the channel to make and receive payments. Post this, the customer proceeds to make a payment, which then, gets transferred from the buyer’s account to the seller’s (merchant’s) account.

How do I create a payment gateway from scratch?

Now, we will list the steps to take on the path of becoming a payment provider.

  1. Set up infrastructure. You can either host your gateway on the third-party server or prepare the server on your own.
  2. Integrate with a payment processor.
  3. Develop CRM.
  4. Implement tokenization.
  5. Get 3DS certificate from EMVCo.
  6. Apply for PCI.
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Which type of e commerce is payment gateway?

A payment gateway is a merchant service provided by an e-commerce application service provider that authorizes credit card or direct payments processing for e-businesses, online retailers, bricks and clicks, or traditional brick and mortar.

How to develop a payment gateway from scratch?

If you want to develop a payment gateway from scratch you should have a good idea about the respective numbers though. And about how fast you want your system to scale. That means you have to get a grip on the projected workload of your gateway. That is, the number of transactions it will have to process in a given period of time.

How to assess the need for a custom-built payment gateway?

Prepare for a phase of assessing the need for a custom-built Payment Gateway. When your company makes this assessment, you have to take the whole business model and strategy as well as your respective market into consideration.

Should I run my own payment gateway?

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Running your own Payment Gateway has the advantage of being independent of other companies. If you are using a Payment Gateway by an external company, your influence on the business of this company is limited. Terms of use and usage fees might change over time to your disadvantage.

What is the difference between a PSP and a pay gateway?

Payment Gateways are not to be confused with Payment Service Providers. Payment Gateways authenticate and trigger the actual transaction, passing on the transactional information to Payment Service Providers. The PSP’s Payment Processors become active then. It handles the accounting, i.e. the transfer of money from one account to the other.