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What is the prognosis for Stage 4 bladder cancer?

What is the prognosis for Stage 4 bladder cancer?

For a person with stage 4 bladder cancer, the 5-year relative survival rate is around 5 percent. This means that the person is 5 percent as likely as someone without cancer to live for a minimum of 5 years after diagnosis. This percentage is the most recent figure available, but the calculations use data from 2008–2014.

What is the death rate of bladder cancer?

Among men, bladder cancer is eighth most common cause of cancer death. The 5-year survival rate tells you what percent of people live at least 5 years after the cancer is found. Percent means how many out of 100. The general 5-year survival rate for people with bladder cancer is 77\%.

What is a stage 4 bladder cancer?

Patients with stage IV bladder cancer have cancer that has extended through the bladder wall and invaded the pelvic and/or abdominal wall and/or has lymph node involvement and/or spread to distant sites. Stage IV bladder cancer is also referred to as “metastatic” bladder cancer.

What is the life expectancy of gallbladder cancer?

If the cancer is only in the gallbladder lining (stage 0), 80 out of 100 people (80\%) survive for 5 years or more after diagnosis. If the cancer has spread into the muscle (stage 1 gallbladder cancer) only 50 in 100 people (50\%) will survive for 5 years or more after they are diagnosed.

What is the prognosis for gallbladder cancer?

INTRODUCTION Cancer of the gallbladder is an aggressive malignancy that occurs predominantly in elderly people . Prognosis for most patients is poor. Series from the Western country have reported 5-year survival rates of only 5\% to 38 \%.

What to do about Stage 4 cancer?

Stage IV: cancers have often metastasized, or spread to other organs or throughout the body. Stage IV cancer can be treated by chemotherapy, radiation, or surgery. Despite treatment, a patient’s mortality rate can be significantly higher with Stage IV cancer, e.g. the cancer can progress to become terminal.