
What is the purpose of ReactOS?

What is the purpose of ReactOS?

ReactOS (short for React Operating System) is an open-source project to develop a quality operating system that is compatible with Microsoft Windows™ NT applications and drivers. So in effect, ReactOS aims to replicate Windows NT.

Is ReactOS usable?

ReactOS is still in alpha and is NOT suitable for day to day use. It’s only for testing at this point. While the mentioned programs might work, ReactOS can crash at any time, and also corrupt your data.

Is ReactOS a Linux or Windows?


ReactOS 0.4.7 desktop
Developer Community contributors The ReactOS developers
Written in C, C++
OS family Windows-like
Working state Alpha

Can ReactOS run Windows 10 programs?

ReactOS is a free and open-source, Windows-compatible OS that looks similar to Windows XP — now with experimental support for Windows 10 software. The operating system already runs a selection of software written for Windows XP and Windows Server 2003, and the latest 0.4.

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Can ReactOS run Windows games?

Theoretically, once ReactOS is more or less complete, any Windows game that was designed for NT and beyond should run on ReactOS. You don’t need to look for Windows 98 games.

Is ReactOS fast?

Once the developers manage to get the driver issues sorted out, I think that ReactOS will become a much more viable OS. Because of its tiny footprint, the OS is extremely fast and responsive and based on my own experiences it also seems to be stable.

Can ReactOS play games?

ReactOS will run win32 games and software, ReactOS will not run 16bits apps. Moblius is a project that is trying create a windows 98 clone.

Does ReactOS use wine?

ReactOS works with the WINE project to share as much programming effort as possible. ReactOS depends on Wine mainly for user mode DLLs. However, due to architectural differences arising from Wine targetting the Linux platform, some of their DLLs may not be used on ReactOS without specific modifications.

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Is ReactOS 32 or 64 bit?

ReactOS will run on processors like Intel(R) Pentium(R) x64, Intel Xeon(R) x64, AMD(R) Athlon(R) x64 and AMD Opteron(R) in 32-bit mode, but the 64-bit functionality of these processors is not complete currently. ReactOS will run on x64 based computers, but this port is still under development.

Does ReactOS use WINE?

How do I install ReactOS on my laptop?

Install from a CD-ROM Make sure your BIOS is configured to boot from the CD-ROM first. Insert the ReactOS setup CD-ROM into a CD-ROM drive and reboot your computer. On the next boot, the ReactOS setup utility will start. Follow the instructions on the screen to install ReactOS on your computer.

Is ReactOS stable?

ReactOS has had 64-bit builds for a long time now, but it appears they’ve made some strides in both making them a lot more stable, and moving away from the MSVC compiler to GCC.

What is the ReactOS project?

The main goal of the ReactOS project is to provide an operating system which is binary compatible with Windows. This will allow Windows applications and drivers to run as they would on a Windows system.

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Does ReactOS work with Windows applications?

However, many Windows applications are currently working, such as Adobe Reader 6.0 and LibreOffice. ReactOS is primarily written in C, with some elements, such as ReactOS File Explorer, written in C++. The project partially implements Windows API functionality and has been ported to the AMD64 processor architecture.

What is ReactOS NT?

Windows® NT™ is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation. Change your OS, not your software! The ReactOS project is an open-source implementation of the NT architecture, with the goal of creating an NT-like operating system. It comes with a WIN32 subsystem, NT driver compatibility and a handful of useful applications and tools.

What is onworks ReactOS?

OnWorks ReactOS online, a free and open-source operating system based on the best design principles found in the Windows NT architecture. Written completely from scratch, ReactOS is not a Linux-based system and it shares none of the UNIX architecture.