What is the reason for desire?

What is the reason for desire?

Mill suggests that a desire for an object is caused by an idea of the possible pleasure that would result from the attainment of the object. The desire is fulfilled when this pleasure is achieved. On this view, the pleasure is the sole motivating factor of the desire.

What is the meaning of wrong desire?

“A forbidden, impure or unrequited desire” are three nuances that can be used in that sentence. forbidden would imply going against society’s acceptable norms. impure implies unchaste. unrequited would mean that the feelings could not be reciprocated.

Is desire the root of all suffering?

In Buddhism, desire and ignorance lie at the root of suffering. By desire, Buddhists refer to craving pleasure, material goods, and immortality, all of which are wants that can never be satisfied. As a result, desiring them can only bring suffering.

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Are desires real?

Some philosophers hold that only occurrent desires are real desires. So-called standing desires are really just dispositions to generate desires, on this way of thinking. One difficulty for this position is that standing desires seem to be good components of causal explanations of various mental processes.

What is the deeper meaning of desire?

Desire is a strong feeling, worthy or unworthy, that impels to the attainment or possession of something that is (in reality or imagination) within reach: a desire for success. Craving implies a deep and imperative wish for something, based on a sense of need and hunger: a craving for food, companionship.

Is it wrong to have a desire for something?

Desire in itself not wrong. After all, without desire for improvement in the quality of life, we would still be hunting for food rather than preparing it in a civilized way. However, you should take care that your desire for something should not turn into greed. The line which divides greed and desire is very thin and highly blurred.

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What’s wrong with me if I have low sexual desire?

Depending on your answers, some sexual-frequency conversations with your partner might be helpful. Having lower desire than your partner does not mean anything is “wrong” with you, but it does mean that you and your partner have some negotiating to do. 2. You don’t give yourself enough time to get “in the mood.”

Should desire have its limitations?

That said, desire should have its limitations. Because if you desire things like money, or other materialistic things, then your happiness depends on those things. Desire in itself not wrong. After all, without desire for improvement in the quality of life, we would still be hunting for food rather than preparing it in a civilized way.

What is desire disparity?

The term “desire discrepancy” describes a scenario in which two individuals in a relationship have different levels of sexual desire. 5 Although this term could apply to all couples at least some of the time, there are some couples that have more obvious and consistent differences in their levels of sexual desire.