
What is the relationship between Bhishma and Pandu?

What is the relationship between Bhishma and Pandu?

Reverentially he was called Bhishma Pitamaha – Grandsire Bhishma. He served his step mother, then her son Vichitravirya, later his sons Pandu and Dhritarashtra as a mark of loyalty to the throne of Hastinapur.

What was the relationship between Bhishma and Arjun?

Bhishma was theBhishma was the grandfather of Arjuna and Arjuna was his grandson but eventually not his own grandson Arjuna was the son of Pandu and Pandu was bhishma’s nephew thus this was the relation between Bhishma and Arjuna. Bheeshma was arjuna’s paternal grandfather.

What is the relationship between Bhishma and Dronacharya?

Drona was somewhat parallel to Bhishma both in martial powers, and, compelled by the refuge they had given him, in his unwavering commitment to fighting for Hastinapur irrespective of who the ruler was and whether or not the cause was just.

Why did Bhishma fought for Kauravas?

Bhishma – Bhishma was bound by his two oaths and forced him to fight from the Kauravas side because Dhritrashtra was the king, and he was obliged to serve him to protect the country of Hastinapur.

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What is the relationship between Bhishma and the Pandavas?

Bhishma was the uncle of Pandu, and the Pandavas were the sons of Pandu, thus accordingly, Bhishma was the grandfather of the Pandavas. As the relationship is between Grandfather and Grandchildren. Similarly Bhisma used to love them more as they were morally correct and were on the path of truth.

Did Bhishma commit any mistakes?

So from the karmakandaperspective, Bhishma did commit mistakes- Bhishma not strongly opposing the disrobing of Draupadi, Bhishma’s consent was to fight on the side of the kauravas. These were mistakes. It was basically a problem of niyamaagrah.

Who were the Kauravas?

Vyasa cut this lump into hundred and one pieces, which formed hundred boys and one girl. These children of Dhritarashtra were called the Kauravas as they belonged to the Kuru dynasty. The eldest of the Kaurava brothers were called Duryodhana .

Why did Bhishma choose the side of Vice?

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Despite having Bhishma on their side the Kauravas lost and Bhishma accepted that service from Krishna. You will be misunderstood for all of eternity, why did he choose the side of vice. But he chose it because that’s what Krishna wanted him to do and he see that Krishna rewarded him.