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What is the ripple effect in life?

What is the ripple effect in life?

What is the ripple effect? It’s pretty simple, actually. You can also call it the compound effect, the butterfly effect, or the domino effect… Basically, it is where you make one little change, and it starts to “trickle” into, or effect other parts of your life.

What does ripple definition?

1a : to become lightly ruffled or covered with small waves. b : to flow in small waves. c : to fall in soft undulating folds the scarf rippled to the floor. 2 : to flow with a light rise and fall of sound or inflection laughter rippled over the audience.

What does ripples mean in literature?

(of sound) to undulate or rise and fall in tone, inflection, or magnitude. SEE MORE. verb (used with object), rip·pled, rip·pling. to form small waves or undulations on; agitate lightly. to mark as if with ripples; give a wavy form to.

What does the ripples in the water mean?

To ripple is to cause the surface of water to form small waves, or the term for the action of the water when it makes small waves. When the water goes up in small waves, this is an example of a time when the water ripples.

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What is ripple effect in psychology?

The ripple effect is emotional contagion in groups, which is more precisely the transfer of moods among people in a group. It is obvious that the moods of others affect us, and spending time with someone negative will increase your own negativity.

Is ripple effect positive?

Most often, the effect is spoken about positively. In the movie based on the true concept, Pay it Forward, one person performs one act of kindness for one other person, who does something for another person, who does something for two people, and the ripples go on. This leads to positive, lasting change.

What does the poet mean by ripples?

The poet says that the snake is harmless even to children. People fear snakes and when they see one, they try to kill it with a stick. The snake tries to save itself and hides behind the green – coloured bushes of marshy plants growing in the water. It hides in the ripples of the water body in order to save itself.

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Do ripples go on forever?

Ripple looks to have no future at all as it continously pumps and dumps.

What is another word for ripple effect?

synonyms for ripple effect

  • causal sequence.
  • contagion effect.
  • dispersion.
  • dissemination.
  • domino effect.
  • knock-on effect.
  • overspreading.
  • slippery slope.

What does ripples across the world mean?

the repercussions of an event or situation experienced far beyond its immediate location. The change of command naturally sent ripples through the upper echelons of the Army.

Why do ripples happen?

When you throw a rock into a body of water, the rock will push water out of its way as it enters, causing ripples to move away from its point of entry in a circle or ring shape. This interaction causes a ripple to form that moves in the opposite direction of the water’s initial motion.

What are the ripples we create?

By doing so, the ripples we create, send out are of… love, appreciation and gratitude. Spirit is always around us, and with spirit’s guidance, you have the ability to create endless ripples with a positive impact in your life and the lives of others. The choice is yours to make. So I will leave you with a few thoughts and questions to ponder.

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What does rippled through the air mean?

verb (intr) to form ripples or flow with a rippling or undulating motion (tr) to stir up (water) so as to form ripples (tr) to make ripple marks (intr) (of sounds) to rise and fall gentlyher laughter rippled through the air

What are the ripples you send across the waters of life?

Sometimes the ripples are more in the form of emotional tsunamis, uprooting lives, destroying homes, and washing away the confidence, esteem or love of those we most care for. The good news is that we can decide the nature of the ripples we send across the waters of life.

What is the meaning of the song Ripples by Adele?

I have always found Ripples meaning speaking to the consideration of living one’s life cognisant of the past is always the past,once the moment has past its done. The song starts out with the character marching off to the promised land, but becomes disenchanted with her quest.