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What is the role of Mars in astrology?

What is the role of Mars in astrology?

“Mars is the planet of our desires, actions, energy, passion, war, aggression, sex, and assertion,” astrologer Lisa Stardust tells Refinery29. “It shows how you take action and argue, and reveals your sexual inclinations,” Stardust continues. “Mars also depicts how one uses their innate energy to achieve their goals.

What zodiac goes with Mars?

Rulerships of signs

House Sign Domicile Ruling body (modern)
5th Leo Sun
6th Virgo Mercury
7th Libra Venus
8th Scorpio Mars

What does Mars mean spiritually?

Jan 22, 2018. Mars is the planet of desire, action, and energy. It also represents the survival instinct of humanity. People call Mars the fiery planet because of its color. It is also the planet that symbolizes war, its name being derived from the Roman god of the same name.

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What does Mangal mean in astrology?

A person born under the influence of Mars (Mangala) as per Hindu astrology is said to have “mangala dosha” (“mars defect”); such a person is called a Mangalik (or Manglik). According to Indian Astrology, the marriage between a Manglik and a non-Manglik is disastrous.

What is Mars in the zodiac sign?

Mars is the planet of action, sex, aggression, and physicality — so when we’re expressing these parts of ourselves, it’s likely that our Mars zodiac sign is showing. As Mars travels through the zodiac, it spends approximately one and a half months in each sign, and takes about two years to make a full rotation through all 12 of them.

What does Mars in your natal chart say about you?

You have to want something before you reach out and take it; Mars is the heated passion behind the action. Venus and the Venus sign are the softer sides of love. Whenever you feel threatened, that’s when your survival instincts (fight, flight, feed and f**k) are tweaked by the placement of Mars in your chart.

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Is Mars the most important planet in astrology?

So as you now know, Mars is about a lot more than just sex. But Mars is still considered one of the important relationship planets in astrology.

What is Aries Mars like in astrology?

Aries Mars is irritated when people beat around the bush and those who are slow to act, contrary to themselves. They can be impatient and rude. They often work best on their own, so no one holds them back. On the downside, Mars in Aries signs are known to lack patience and discipline. On the upside, you know where you stand with Aries Mars.