What is the sum of the squares of two consecutive natural numbers?

What is the sum of the squares of two consecutive natural numbers?

The sum of the squares of two consecutive natural numbers is 365.

Which of the following is the difference between the square of two consecutive natural numbers?

the difference between the squares of two consecutive natural numbers is the sum of those natural numbers .

When two consecutive natural numbers are added the sum is 31 find the numbers?

So, the numbers are 15 and 16.

What is the difference between the squares of two consecutive integers?

In general, if you have the difference of two consecutive squares, Thus, our two numbers are 17 and 18. Originally Answered: The difference between the squares of two consecutive integer is 35. What are the numbers?

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What is the difference between two consecutive triangular numbers?

The difference between the squares of those two consecutive triangular numbers is equal to a cube. The sum of those four cubes is equal to the square of the fourth triangle. Alternatively, since every square number is the sum of consecutive odd numbers, so is the square of a triangular number.

How do you find the difference between two consecutive natural numbers?

Simply put, the difference is the sum of the two numbers. Set the two consecutive natural numbers to be a, and b=a+1. So the difference between the squares of two consecutive natural numbers is the sum of the two numbers. Sum of that two consecutive natural numbers is difference between the square of that two consecutive natural numbers.

What is the sum of the squares of two consecutive odd numbers?

The sum of the squares of two natural consecutive odd numbers is 394. The sum of the numbers is? Let the smaller number be n. The larger number will then be n + 2. Since n is a natural (non-negative) number only n = 13 is valid. Therefore, the two numbers are 13 and 15 (= 13 +2), and their sum is 13 + 15 = 28.