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What is the velocity of an object thrown straight up at the very top of its motion?

What is the velocity of an object thrown straight up at the very top of its motion?

At the very top of the ball’s motion, it has a velocity of zero. At the very top of it’s motion, the ball has an acceleration of -9.8 m/s^2. Nothing happens to the direction of the ball’s motion and on the way up the speed decreases. At the very top the speed is 0 and the acceleration is equal to the force of gravity.

What is the net external force acting on a rock thrown straight up when it is at the top of its trajectory?

What is the net external force acting on the rock when it is at the top of its trajectory? At the top of the trajectory, the net external force on the rock is the gravitational force on the rock from the Earth.

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What happens to velocity when force is zero?

An object’s velocity (a vector) does not change if and only if the net force acting on the object is zero. In other words, if there is no net force on an object, its speed and direction of motion do not change (including if it is at rest).

What happens to the velocity of an object at rest when the sum of forces is zero?

If an object experiences no net force, its velocity will remain constant. The object is either at rest and the velocity is zero, or it moves in a straight line with a constant speed.

What is the net force on the rock?

The net force acting on each rock is the gravitational force the Earth exerts on the rock (the weight of the rock). The gravitational force is proportional to the mass of the rock, so the ranking depends on the masses of the rocks only.

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What force is acting on a rock after being thrown?

When a rock is thrown upward, if we exempt the air drag then only force that is acting on the rock is the gravitational force, also known as the…

What is acceleration when velocity is 0?

Here, accelerations deals with the rate of change in velocity, which means you need the change in velocity . In case, if the question means that if the velocity is always 0 then, the acceleration is always zero. But if the final velocity is zero then the acceleration is negative i.e deceleration.

When an object is at rest no gravitational force is acting on it?

If an object is at rest, then there are no forces acting upon the object. It would take an unbalanced force to keep an object in motion at a constant velocity. It is the natural tendency of all objects to eventually come to a rest position.

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When an object is in motion it changes its?

When an object changes its motion, it is accelerating. Acceleration is the change in velocity divided by the time it takes for the change to occur. Like velocity, acceleration has a direction. If an object speeds up, the acceleration is in the direction that the object is moving.