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What is the weirdest fact about Earth?

What is the weirdest fact about Earth?

Earth has never been perfectly round. The planet bulges around the equator by an extra 0.3 percent as a result of the fact that it rotates about its axis. Earth’s diameter from North to South Pole is 12,714 kilometers (7,900 miles), while through the equator it is 12,756 kilometers (7,926 miles).

What is the strangest thing on earth?

  • The Planet’s Poles Flip.
  • It Has a Supersized Moon.
  • The Biggest Mammal Migration Is Airborne.
  • It Hosts a Humongous Fungus.
  • Some Parts Are Downright Alien-Looking.
  • One Island Boasts an “Undersea Waterfall”
  • There Are Hidden Gems Beneath Your Feet.
  • Some of Its Clouds Are Alive.

What is the most interesting fact about Earth?

Earth is the third planet from the Sun and is the largest of the terrestrial planets. The Earth is the only planet in our solar system not to be named after a Greek or Roman deity. The Earth was formed approximately 4.54 billion years ago and is the only known planet to support life.

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What is the proper name of Earth?


Alternative names Gaia, Terra, Tellus, the world, the globe
Adjectives Earthly, terrestrial, terran, tellurian
Orbital characteristics
Epoch J2000

What are the most baffling unsolved mysteries about the universe?

Another suggests that the water actually has been around since Earth’s formation, and that the forming Earth retained it from the cloud of gas and dust that formed the solar system. However it happened, though, it’s certainly worked out well for Earth’s life forms. These are the most baffling unsolved mysteries about the universe.

Do we really know everything about the Earth?

A question before you start thinking about the wonders lying outside our planet: Do we know every nook and corner of the Earth, or are there any mysteries left to be discovered/decoded? The answer is “no,” we don’t know everything about the Earth.

What are some of the strangest things in the world?

From the peculiar Crooked Forest to the odd Morning Glory Cloud and the mysterious substance known as ‘Star Jelly,’ Let’s take a look at some of the strangest. Ah, yes. The Bermuda Triangle, probably the most controversial and curious stretch of water on the planet.

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What is the biggest living thing on Earth?

When it comes to the biggest living things on Earth, it might be easy to think about blue whales, elephants, and trees. You may even recall that coral reefs are the largest conglomerates of critters. But largest single organism reported is an Armillaria mushroom in Oregon. In 1992, one of these fungi was found in Michigan covering 37 acres.