Tips and tricks

What is the word for something that is good but also bad?

What is the word for something that is good but also bad?

The answer to something that is both good and bad ,is something that is bittersweet. You have some sweetness and tenderness,yet at the same time there is a bitter or bad feel also associated with this word used to express something that is both good in some way to the individual but has a bad undertone.

What’s a word for doing good for others?

Someone who is altruistic always puts others first. An altruistic firefighter risks his life to save another’s life, while an altruistic mom gives up the last bite of pie so her kid will be happy.

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What is another name for a bad person?

What is another word for bad person?

bad apple bad egg
monster reprobate
rogue rotter
scoundrel villain
wretch wrongdoer

How do you describe something that is both good and bad?

4 Answers. You could call this a double-edged sword. It can be used both for good and bad.

What is another name for good?

What is another word for good?

excellent exceptional
nice pleasant
positive satisfactory
satisfying superb
wonderful acceptable

How do you describe a bad person?

Luckily, there are better words for ‘evil’ than simply ‘evil’ and ‘very bad’. For example, if someone is very evil, you can call them nefarious or depraved.

What is another word for bad environment?

What is another word for environmentally unfriendly?

detrimental damaging
harmful adverse
baleful deleterious
ill injurious
pernicious prejudicial

What is this word bad?

bad, evil, and wicked mean not doing or being what is right. bad is used of anyone or anything that a person might dislike or find fault with. He had to stay after school for bad behavior. evil is a more powerful word than bad and is used for something of bad moral character.

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What does it mean to give someone a bad name?

give (someone or something) a bad name. To tarnish the reputation of a general class of person or thing (such as an occupation) through one’s poor behavior.

What is the meaning of give teachers a bad name?

To tarnish the reputation of a general class of person or thing (such as an occupation) through one’s poor behavior. I can’t believe how little you care about your students! Boy, you give teachers a bad name!

Why is it so hard to remember my partner’s name?

The name and face of your long-term partner, for example, is going to occur in a great deal of memories, so it will always be at the forefront of your mind. Other people aren’t going to get this treatment (unless your relationships are rather more atypical), so remembering their names is going to be harder.

What makes a business name a bad idea?

Many bad business names come about because of poor planning or failure to consider cultural differences. Some of the “worst business name” blunders are unintentional, while others are simply the result of a joke being carried too far.