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What is WebDriver and WebElement in selenium?

What is WebDriver and WebElement in selenium?

WebElement represents an HTML element. Selenium WebDriver encapsulates a simple form element as an object of the WebElement. It basically represents a DOM element and all the HTML documents are made up by these HTML elements. findElement() – finds a single WebElement and returns it as a WebElement object.

Is WebElement an interface or a class in selenium?

WebElement is an interface and all the abstract methods in the interface are implemented by the RemoteWebElement Class.

Why WebElement is an interface?

The WebElement interface is implemented by AndroidWebElement , HtmlUnitWebElement , or RemoteWebElement . The click method is actually executed on one of these concrete classes (which is returned by findElement ). See the following documentation for further details: Interface WebDriver findElement.

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What is difference between WebElement and WebElement?

1 Answer. IWebElement is a selenium Web Element class which represents an HTML element ( body , table , tr etc) on a page in your selenium automation code. Through the IWebElement instance, you can interact with an element, retrieve it’s attributes and properties.

What is WebDriver class or interface?

WebDriver is an interface and all the methods which are declared in Webdriver interface are implemented by respective driver class. But if we do upcasting,we can run the scripts in any browser . i.e running the same automation scripts in different browsers to achieve Runtime Polymorphism.

Is WebDriver a class in selenium?

From the Selenium docs, WebDriver is an Interface but in Eclipse the package org. openqa. selenium is shown as a Class in the Project Explorer. Also, if WebDriver is an Interface, the classes like ChromeDriver or InternetExplorerDriver which implement it should be defining the methods like .

What are methods of WebDriver and WebElement?

Selenium WebDriver – WebElement Commands

  1. Clear Command. Method: clear() : void.
  2. Sendkeys Command. Method: sendKeys(CharSequence?
  3. Click Command. Method: click() : void.
  4. IsDisplayed Command. Method: isDisplayed() : boolean.
  5. IsEnabled Command. Method:
  6. IsSelected Command. Method:
  7. Submit Command. Method:
  8. GetText Command. Method:
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What is meaning of WebElement in selenium?

What is a Selenium WebElement? A WebElement, in this case, a Selenium WebElement is essentially an HTML element on a website. HTML documents consist of HTML elements. Each HTML element consists of a start tag and an end tag. The content lies between the tags.

What is WebElement?

A WebElement represents an HTML element. We see the elements as buttons, text, links, images, etc. on a web page. Therefore, the WebElement Method category can perform an action on everything visible on a web page.

What is the difference between WebDriver and webwebelement?

WebElement refers to an HTML Element. Thus, All Interactions on the HTML elements e.g click, sendkeys, select etc. are performed using WebElement. WebDriver represents the browser thus, all interactions like controlling the browser of locating web elements on the page is done by WebDriver.

What is Selenium WebDriver findelement?

Selenium WebDriver encapsulates a simple form element as an object of the WebElement. findElement () – finds a single WebElement and returns it as a WebElement object. Click to see full answer. Subsequently, one may also ask, what is a WebElement?

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What is webelement interface in selenium?

WebElement Interface As explained on Selenium Official Site a WebElement represents HTML element. The interface also extends SearchContext, TakesScreenshot interfaces. In general, whatever we see in the HTML page is a WebElement whether it’s a link, search-text, button, Drop-Down, Web-Table etc.

What is the difference between findelement() and webelement()?

I am unable to understand the difference between the findElement () of the two interfaces. Kindly Help. WebElement.findElement () will use the element as the scope in which to search for your selector. This means it is generally used for searching for child elements.