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What is your concept of reality?

What is your concept of reality?

Reality is the sum or aggregate of all that is real or existent within a system, as opposed to that which is only imaginary. The term is also used to refer to the ontological status of things, indicating their existence. In physical terms, reality is the totality of a system, known and unknown.

What is reality in your own understanding explain in your own words and cite an example?

Reality is the quality of being real or true. An example of reality is a television show about real people doing what they do in their everyday lives. A real entity, event or other fact. The ultimate reality of life is that it ends in death.

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How do you live on reality?

How to Accept Yourself, Your Life, and Your Reality

  1. Accept yourself. Acceptance is the ability to unconditionally value all parts of who you are.
  2. Acknowledge your reality.
  3. Practice radical honesty.
  4. Identify your part.
  5. Admit your mistakes.
  6. Own your outcomes.
  7. Don’t let fear get in your way.
  8. Count on your competencies.

What does it mean to say something is real philosophy?

Differing from the concept of true, many philosophers would assert that something is real if it has actual existence and substance. Unlike truth, something that is real does not have to be proven. It just is because it is. Both of these objects exist independent of their surroundings.

What is reality simple words?

Reality means anything that exists. An event that has actually happened, or a thing which really exists is said to have “reality.” Something close to reality is realistic. Reality is the state of things as they are, rather than as they may appear or might be imagined.

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How do we create our reality?

There are levels within your consciousness, and you create your reality at deeper levels. There is an area within which your inner self is involved in the manufacture of events you will later experience in your life. The inner self chooses probabilities and creates your life events from within this inner reality.

Is our experience of reality perfect?

Like all misperceptions, it teaches us that our experience of reality is not perfect. But this particular illusion has recently reinforced scientists’ understanding of deeper, almost philosophical truths about the nature of our consciousness.

What is the shape of reality?

The actual “shape” of reality, however, is more like an onion than a pyramid, with each layer going inward within consciousness toward the core of creation. The work done to create matter takes place on various levels going inward. Life experiences are formed in an inner framework of existence below the subconscious and collective subconscious.

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How do we know what reality is?

Our common-sense notion of reality is that our eyes, ears, nose, and fingertips pick up objective reality, but that couldn’t be farther from the truth. Smells, sounds, and colors do not actually exist in the outside world. The interaction between what’s “out there” and our sensory organs isn’t the whole picture, either.