
What is your main motivation why you choose nursing?

What is your main motivation why you choose nursing?

Examples of the Best Answers I wanted to do something in my career that is challenging, interesting, and makes a difference in people’s lives daily. In the nursing profession, you deal with many aspects of patient care, and I enjoy the variety in the routine.

What is your passion for becoming a registered nurse?

“I like nursing because it’s a profession that never stops giving. You learn new things every day, and the opportunity for growth is almost unlimited. I feel so good inside when I see improvement in my patients and also when giving emotional support by holding hands of family members who have just experienced tragedy.

What is a nurses passion?

A passion to do what needs to be done, to help those in need, and to be the very best at it. It is this passion that drives nurses past expectation, beyond exhaustion, task after task, patient after patient, day in and day out.

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What does passionate mean in nursing?

Those who are truly passionate about nursing have a desire to make a positive impact on the lives of patients, providing comfort and care to the ill and injured. Nurses are caring and compassionate, and are driven by a desire to help and to make a difference in the lives of others.

What is your passion nursing interview?

During an interview and on the job, you can demonstrate your passion through the following: Care and compassion for others. Nurses must care for the sick but also provide support to patients’ families, friends and loved ones—you’ll need motivation to take care of those around you.

Why do you admire nurses?

Nurses have an incredible work ethic, always putting others first and working around the clock to make sure patients receive the best care. They care and give selflessly. They always have a good story to share. They bring hope and compassion to those who are suffering and dedicate their lives to making people better.

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What do you enjoy about being a nurse?

As nurses, we have the opportunity to empower our patients and their families with knowledge. When I see that a patient understands their disease process and the plan of care, it is an awesome feeling. Nurses have the ability to bring understanding and peace during what can be a confusing or challenging time.

Why is passion important in healthcare?

Passion in today’s health care leaders is essential as health care organizations face increasing demands for survival. Through passion, leaders and followers become more motivated to accomplish the health care mission of serving others.

What motivated you to choose nursing as a career?

“There are many things that motivated me to choose nursing as a career. First, I love people. I love chatting with them, being around them, and taking care of them—it is very fulfilling to my soul. The second reason is that the schedule is wonderful for being a mother.

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Why do you love being a nurse?

Dean Bush: “I love nursing because it is so rewarding to be able to help others.” Dean Reed: “ It is an amazing profession with endless opportunities to provide care in endless settings.” Dean Rogers: “I love nursing because it gives me the opportunity to continuously learn!

What is the most rewarding thing about being a nurse?

“The most rewarding thing about being a nurse is making a difference in the lives of others. It may be your patients, their families, or your students. Nursing offers us so many arenas to practice in.

How do I answer “why do you want to be a nurse?

When preparing an answer, try to include the reasons the work interests you as well as what strengths you possess that make you an excellent nurse and the best candidate for the job.