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What is your opinion about filial piety?

What is your opinion about filial piety?

According to Confucian philosophy, filial piety is considered to be the greatest of all virtues and should be demonstrated to both the living and the dead. At its core, filial piety deals with the level of respect and obedience a child must show their parents.

Do Americans have filial piety?

Filial piety is thriving in the United States, and it’s of the enlightened variety—of loving reciprocity. Jackson Wong, an American-born attorney in his 50s who retired after striking it rich during the dot-com boom, bought a larger house so he could take care of his mother during her last years.

Who believed in filial piety?

philosopher Confucius
The Chinese philosopher Confucius (551–479 BCE) is most responsible for making xiao a pivotal part of society. He described filial piety and argued for its importance in creating a peaceful family and society in his book, “Xiao Jing,” also known as the “Classic of Xiao” and written in the 4th century BCE.

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What is cultural piety?

In both cultures, filial piety is a socially approved virtue and contains attributes of respecting, caring for, and loving the parents. The differences include: obedience versus confrontation of parents; limited versus unlimited responsibility to parents; and a difference in the concept of legitimate support.

How do you practice filial piety?

A relationship with one’s parents must be based on love and respect. The practice of filial piety starts at home with the son doing and practicing loving kindness and respect to the elders. This good behavior would then apply and extend to the community at large.

Why filial piety is important in business?

Filial piety helps us to feel and express deference and concern for those who have nurtured and cared for us during the most vulnerable period of our lives.

How does filial piety work?

Filial piety means to be good to one’s parents; to take care of one’s parents; to engage in good conduct not just towards parents but also outside the home so as to bring a good name to one’s parents and ancestors; to perform the duties of one’s job well (preferably the same job as one’s parents to fulfill their …

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What cultures believe in filial piety?

Beyond Confucianism, the concept of filial piety is also found in Taoism, Buddhism, Korean Confucianism, Japanese culture, and Vietnamese culture. The xiao ideogram is used in both Korean and Japanese, although with a different pronunciation.

What is the Chinese character for filial piety?

The Chinese character for filial piety, xiao (孝), illustrates the term’s meaning. The ideogram is a combination of the characters lao ( 老), which means old, and er zi ( 儿子 ), which means son. Lao is the top half of the character xiao, and er zi, representing the son, forms the bottom half of the character.

Why is filial piety called “giant baby”?

In filial piety, children are expected to respect and take care of their parents. It also implies that children should respect and follow their parents decisions. This expectation and mentality has been coined as “Giant baby”. Ok the topic of filial piety has been discussed in many places for a long time.

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Who wrote the twenty four paragons of filial piety?

Interpreting Filial Piety After Confucius, the classic text about filial piety is The Twenty-Four Paragons of Filial Piety, written by the scholar Guo Jujing during the Yuan dynasty (between 1260–1368). The text includes several fairly astonishing stories, such as ” He Buried His Son for His Mother.”