What it means to be a Christian today?

What it means to be a Christian today?

In its most basic definition, a Christian is someone who is a follower of Jesus Christ. And we follow Christ by embodying both the beliefs of the Christian faith by believing in Jesus’s life, death, and resurrection (orthodoxy), and also by putting that faith into action as true disciples of Christ (orthopraxy).

What are the problems facing the church today?

It appears alcoholism, substance abuse, domestic violence, greediness, sexual immorality and promiscuity are commonly seen within the church going population. It appears our pulpits and Christian platforms are silent when it comes to the issue of sin and immoral behaviour.

What is the biggest issue facing Christians today?

“Pride” is the major issue facing Christians, says Eric Lidji, responding to a question from blogger Jonathan Blundell. “It opens the door for everything else to come in. The same sin that got Satan kicked out of heaven – and the one that causes so much separation in the church today. The church is sick and she doesn’t want to admit that.

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Are non-Christian points of view destructive to the faith?

If Sweet is correct, then non-Christian points of view are destructive to the faith. Sweet states “If you are a biblically educated believer, you know that some of what Barna refers to as ‘basic, universally-known truths about Christianity’ are pagan myths that actually contradict what God’s Word says about critical issues.”

Why does the church get so much bad press?

Then there’s the bad press that the church has received in recent years – ranging from the hate message of Westboro Baptist Church to the sexual scandals that have wracked the Catholic church. In the midst of it all, “the influence of Christianity on culture and individual lives is largely invisible,” notes Sweet.

Is what you believe above what you do Christian?

Christianity credits what you believe far above what you do. This idea has caused much misery and suffering over the course of the past two millennia. The notion that what you believe can erase your bad deeds is a very attractive idea to someone who wants to take liberties with the lives and property of other people.