
What kind of planet is Game of Thrones on?

What kind of planet is Game of Thrones on?

The story is most likely occurring on an earth sized moon orbiting around a Jupiter sized planet. When the lumbering Jupiter sized planet slowly made its orbit around its sun, the faster orbiting (assumption) earth sized moon would sporadically be blocked from the sun for years at a time.

Why does summer last so long in Game of Thrones?

They discovered that the fictional world’s long winters and long summers could be explained by a “tumbling” of the tilt of the spinning axis of the planet as it orbits the sun because it forces one Hemisphere to always tilt toward the Sun.

Why does summer and winter last so long in Game of Thrones?

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Since asteroids leave a lot of dust in the atmosphere when they fall to Earth, the dust leads to a cooling effect that lasts for multiple years. Douglas also proposed that the tilting of Westeros’ planet’s axis is more extreme than that of Earth’s, which causes the seasons to be more extreme.

How big is the planet in Game of Thrones?

Since Planet Westeros is 89.51\% the size of Earth, its circumference is most likely 22,289 miles (rounding up). The Known World map is 8750 miles across by 5750 miles tall, depicting 50,312,500 square miles.

Does Earth exist in Game of Thrones?

The known world of Game of Thrones has no overall or official name. Characters within the story simply refer to it as “the world”. At the time of the series, the known world consists of three discovered continents: Westeros, Essos, and Sothoryos.

Is the world of Westeros round?

Even the far south of Sothoryos and eastern end of Essos are unknown to men in Westeros. There have been some attempts to navigate north over the pole, but all have ended in failure due to dangerous ice and other unknown dangers. Martin himself stated back in 2002: “Yes, the world is round.

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How do the seasons work on Game of Thrones?

Seasons on ‘Game of Thrones’ Planet: How They Work. For example, the Earth’s axis does not run straight through the planet. Instead, it has a slight tilt that points the Northern Hemisphere toward the sun during part of the planet’s orbit (causing summer) and away for another part (causing winter).

What’s wrong with the setting of Game of Thrones?

There are three problems with the setting of Game of Thrones: Because if the continent of Westeros in the show (and books) are probably set on either a parallel Earth or a very Earth-like alien world.

How big is planet Westeros compared to Earth?

To put it in numbers, Planet Westeros is only 89.51\% the size of Earth. With this percentage in hand, we can now figure out just how much of the world is “known” in A Song of Ice and Fire. But first, some incidental numbers: On Earth, the distance from the Arctic circle to the North Pole is 1600 miles (roughly).

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How are the seasons controlled by the Axis?

Seasons are for the most part controlled by the way a planet leans toward or away from its sun. For example, the Earth’s axis does not run straight through the planet. Instead, it has a slight tilt that points the Northern Hemisphere toward the sun during part of the planet’s orbit (causing summer)…