Tips and tricks

What kind of project should I use Golang?

What kind of project should I use Golang?

Golang was used in such projects as Kubernetes, Docker, Prometheus or M3. Golang is a perfect language to code network servers, especially web servers and microservices. Go has functions to support network programming already built into the standard library.

What do people build with Golang?

Developers often claim that Go is perfect for building projects with high security, high speed, and high modularity, for example in the FinTech industry. Moreover, with this language, your developers don’t need to build up a tower of Python, Bundler, WSGI, Redis, and other technologies.

What are the best resources to learn Go programming language?

The Little Go Book is a free introduction to Google’s Go programming language. This e-book gives a precise idea of pointers and static typing. You can learn the very basics of this language which include C-like syntax, static typing, compilation, variables and declarations, structures, maps, arrays and much more.

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What is the easiest way to learn Golang?

Go is sort of an easy programing language that’s easy to find out and become very fluent during a very short time. Having a project to figure on goes to be really very useful since you’ll understand solutions better and far easier once you actually face problems. Zeedup Technologies and Services is that the simplest institution for learning Golang.

Are You limiting the types of side projects you can do?

For example, we may unintentionally limit the types of projects that we feel are ‘worthy’ as side projects. By setting the bar too high — like aiming to create a successful, popular, and original open source library — we rob ourselves of the opportunity to have fun and learn something from a less ambitious, but still worthwhile, side project.

What is the documentation of the Go language?

This documentation of Go language includes precise information which helps to make programmers informative as well as more productive. It includes a brief introduction to Go which covers syntax, data structures, interfaces, methods and concurrency primitives. You will also be able to learn how to write codes in this language and much more.