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What languages does Bruce Wayne know?

What languages does Bruce Wayne know?

Batman said: They are: English, French, Spanish, Russian, Japanese, Mandarin, Cantonese, Filipino, Korean, Arabic, Turkish, Polish, German, Latin, Greek, Italian, Portuguese, Hebrew, Thai, Vietnamese, Kryptonian, Swedish, and Swahili.

Does Bruce Wayne know programming?

Bruce probably has a working knowledge of the command line, and can probably skim source code and more or less follow it. But like most busy CEOs, Mr. Wayne probably hires other people to do the coding for him.

How many languages is Bruce Wayne fluent in?

9 Bruce Wayne speaks over 40 languages So while you’d expect someone like Captain America to know some German, what’s surprising about Bruce Wayne is just how many languages he speaks. In all estimates, that number comes in at around 40.

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What all does Bruce Wayne know?

Polymath: He is a genious with an IQ somewhere around 200. He’s studied Biology, Technology, Mathematics, Physics, Mythology, Geography, & History, Criminal Science, Forensics, Computer Science, Chemistry, Engineering, Forensic, and Medical Sciences.

  • Master Detective: He is widely considered as the World’s.
  • What languages does Superman speak?

    In most versions of Superman he can speak almost every language in the world, and even not human languages. Basically due to his enhanced brain he can easily learn whatever he wants to learn, and then retain all information with perfect memory recall.

    What languages does Wayne Newton speak?

    While Wayne can speak the usual languages that you’d expect– Spanish, Italian, Russian, etc.– he’s also adept at computer programming languages that help him further round out this incredible skill that we all wish we had.

    How many languages does Bruce Wayne speak?

    Every great hero has a few language tricks up their sleeve, as it often gives them the secret advantage of listening in on their enemies. So while you’d expect someone like Captain America to know some German, what’s surprising about Bruce Wayne is just how many languages he speaks. In all estimates, that number comes in at around 40.

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    Was Bruce Wayne destined to be a detective?

    It seems that, even based on his name alone, Bruce Wayne was destined to be a great crime fighter. His parents, Thomas Wayne and Martha Wayne, named him after Thomas’ cousin. This cousin, Bruce N. Wayne, also just so happens to be a notorious private detective. And unlike his parents, Bruce N. Wayne managed to live to see Batman in action.

    Why is the name Bruce Wayne so iconic?

    It is no accident that the name Bruce Wayne has become so iconic. It was very carefully and deliberately planned to be so. In fact, the name was borrowed from not one, but two historical figures to ensure that it was as memorable as it could possibly be.