Tips and tricks

What Lantern Corps would Wolverine be in?

What Lantern Corps would Wolverine be in?

Therefore, it’s quite natural that Wolverine would be one of the anger-driven Red Lantern Corps.

What lantern is Captain America?

5 CAPTAIN AMERICA A consummate soldier with an impeccable moral compass, Cap doesn’t let anything stand in his way from fighting the good fight, and would make an excellent Green Lantern. His battle prowess and indomitable will would be a formidable asset to the Corps.

Would Captain America be a good Green Lantern?

Originally Answered: Would Captain America be a good Green Lantern? He’d be ideal, in fact outstanding. He’s got the focus and the willpower, the intelligence and ability to think fast, he’s got discipline and leadership ability, and he’s used to working in a group.

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Who would make a good Green Lantern?

Green Lantern: 5 Actors Who Could Play Hal Jordan (And 5 Who Could Play John Stewart) In The DCEU

  1. 1 John Stewart: John Boyega.
  2. 2 Hal Jordan: John Krasinski.
  3. 3 John Stewart: Sterling K.
  4. 4 Hal Jordan: Armie Hammer.
  5. 5 John Stewart: Jamie Foxx.
  6. 6 Hal Jordan: Nathan Fillion.
  7. 7 John Stewart: Michael B.
  8. 8 Hal Jordan: Karl Urban.

Who is marvels Green Lantern?

Hal Jordan is a member, and occasionally the leader, of the intergalactic police force called the Green Lantern Corps. He fights evil across the Universe with a ring that grants him a variety of superpowers.

Who will play Hal Jordan?

10 Hal Jordan: Jon Hamm The role of Hal Jordan requires a standard leading man type with an extra degree of charm and humor. That’s what made Ryan Reynolds the perfect choice to play him in the 2011 movie (it’s just a shame that the movie itself turned out to be dreadful).

Who will be the next Hal Jordan?

Armie Hammer is the next Hal Jordan in this Green Lantern concept art. The Lone Ranger star Armie Hammer transforms into the Hal Jordan version of Green Lantern in a new concept design for the DC Extended Universe.