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What law of physics does the flash violate?

What law of physics does the flash violate?

Newton’s Third Law The Flash has inertia in his attacks. When he punches there is no recoil, But he has to have Action force to punch his opponents and reaction force to decide what to do next.

How does the flash use physics?

First, The Flash’s body can exert the force necessary to move very fast, and his body can withstand forces of this magnitude. Second, The Flash’s brain can sense things very fast, ergo he can think on his feet (get it?) and can process external stimuli just as quickly as he can move.

Is the flash theoretically possible?

The bottom line is that if any human ever tried to match The Flash for speed, it wouldn’t end well. Quite simply our body is not built for that sort of speed. Ten metres per second is the fastest you can travel when freefalling using only gravity and this is known as 1G.

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How many calories does The Flash need to eat a day?

According to the CW The Flash TV show, Barry Allen told Kara Zor El, James Olson and Winn Schott that he needs to eat “About 10,000 calories per day.”

Is ‘the Flash’ based on physics?

The Flash is not going to be that hard to work with, since this is strictly a relativity thing, so straight physics here. We’re going to focus on one iteration of The Flash, specifically the one centred around CW’s television series The Flash, which is centred around Barry Allen.

How does the flash think so fast?

First, The Flash’s body can exert the force necessary to move very fast, and his body can withstand forces of this magnitude. Second, The Flash’s brain can sense things very fast, ergo he can think on his feet (get it?) and can process external stimuli just as quickly as he can move.

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How does the flash think on his feet?

Second, The Flash’s brain can sense things very fast, ergo he can think on his feet (get it?) and can process external stimuli just as quickly as he can move. Now then, if something is moving through the air at some velocity, it experiences a drag force due to air resistance.

What is the Flash’s job?

Now that we’ve got that uncomfortable theoretical out of the way, let’s discuss the logistics of his job. The Flash usually uses his power to save people from danger by carrying them to a safer place, but in reality, Flash can never do this.