What makes Harry Potter books so special?

What makes Harry Potter books so special?

The costumes and descriptions. One of the main reasons that the series has become so loved is it’s attention to detail and the costumes, clothing choices and descriptions of the characters. Think Harry’s lightening-shaped scar, his broken glasses and his “mother’s eyes”.

What Harry Potter means to you?

It means friendship. It means triumph of good over evil. It means the world to me. Harry Potter is not just a series or story. It is something with which I grew.

What is the message of the story Harry Potter?

According to Rowling, one of the major themes in the books is death. She once stated, “My books are largely about death. They open with the death of Harry’s parents. There is Voldemort’s obsession with conquering death and his quest for immortality at any price, the goal of anyone with magic.

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What does the word Harry Potter mean?

A boy wizard and the hero of a series of widely read fantasies by the British author J. K. Rowling. Eleven-year-old Harry, an orphan, discovers his magical powers, and the books chronicle his adventures at the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

What is the main message of Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone?

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone emphasizes the virtue of humility by showcasing the extraordinary modesty of its hero and by making this modesty an important part of Harry’s success in obtaining the Sorcerer’s Stone.

What is the characteristic of Harry Potter?

Harry’s defining traits, as they have been throughout the series, are bravery, determination, and self-sacrifice. A true Gryffindor, Harry responds to every crisis with courage and resolve.

Why do people still like the Harry Potter series?

Many people grew up with the Harry Potter series, and as a result, it became easier for a new age group to still like the Harry Potter series. It is a fantasy world where everything was achieved without effort and without patience, but with magic.

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What can we learn from the story of Harry Potter?

Harry Potter teaches us that the pain we feel for our loved ones, should become our strength to do the right thing, not the excuse to lose our way. Rowling is a wonderfully brilliant writer. The way she has woven the idea of non-obsessive love in the story is noteworthy and praiseworthy.

Why is Harry Potter so magical and captivating?

Harry Potter is so magical and captivating because Harry starts off as someone just like you and I; a normal person with problems in his life and big dreams ahead of him. He becomes everything that we strive to be; honorable, brave, compassionate, and a hero.

What is the theme of the Harry Potter series?

In the true fantasy tradition, she helps him build a picture of the things that are worth clinging to when everything else is being questioned. As a result, the most powerful themes of the Harry Potter books are about identity—and they are profoundly countercultural.