What makes you a good candidate for flight attendant?

What makes you a good candidate for flight attendant?

Possess a comprehensive knowledge of safety equipment. Maintain a calm and friendly demeanor with passengers and crew mates. Work long hours in potentially stressful situations. Be able to lift up to 30 pounds (such as luggage) above their head.

What do flight attendants check for?

They check to see whether you might be an airline employee She says “They’ve been trained in what to do in an emergency, whether medical, mechanical, etc. They know how to handle the situations as well as I, and are trained to become an instant ‘team member,’ fitting right in immediately if needed.

What are the requirements for becoming a flight attendant?

While a high school diploma is a minimum requirement for anyone who wants to become a flight attendant, many employers prefer to hire job candidates who have a college degree. All newly hired flight attendants receive three to six weeks of formal on-the-job training from their employers.

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How do you get a job as a flight attendant?

Kelly says the best way to get a job as a flight attendant is to start by checking the websites of all the major airlines because they usually have specific hiring periods. From there, you can send in an application on their website.

What training do you need to become a flight attendant?

Most airlines set the minimum level of education required to work as a flight attendant as a high school diploma or GED. A number of people working this career have at least some college level education, and many of them hold an Associate or Bachelor’s degree.

How do I apply to be a flight attendant?

In order to become a flight attendant, someone must usually have at least a high school diploma. Flight attendants are trained in facilities maintained by the airlines they work for, usually after passing a physical examination and a background check, and then they start work at the bottom of the airline’s totem pole .