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What months are best for Kickstarter?

What months are best for Kickstarter?

Success rates (on average) are significantly lower if you end your campaign during the months of August, September or December and significantly higher if you end your project during the months of February, March and May.

What happens if you raise more than your goal on Kickstarter?

The full amount raised, including the number of backers, will be locked on your project page when your campaign ends. You can still sort through collected or dropped pledges via your Backer Report — this will give you an accurate summary of where your collected funds originated.

How do you make a successful Kickstarter?

10 Tips for a Successful Kickstarter Campaign

  1. Understand the scope of your project.
  2. Establish your project’s timeline.
  3. Define your funding goal.
  4. Describe your Project Properly.
  5. Create a killer campaign video.
  6. Use campaign rewards.
  7. Prepare for the pre-launch.
  8. Take advantage of social media.
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Which day of the week is best to launch a product?

Research proves that Tuesday is the best day for launching a product. On Mondays, consumers are too focused on the coming week. While on Fridays, people look forward to the weekend. On Tuesdays, you can be sure that people have already dealt with issues from the previous week.

What is the most money raised on Kickstarter?

In March 2015, Pebble’s second smartwatch project completed its crowdfunding and publicity run with 20.34 billion dollars raised in Kickstarter pre-order funding, becoming the most successful Kickstarter project as of July 2021 .

How much does it cost to get funded on Kickstarter?

Give yourself a cushion. If your project is successfully funded, Kickstarter applies a 5\% fee; there are also additional fees for our payment processors. Every project’s tax situation is different, but that may affect your needs as well — learn more here.

What does it mean when a Kickstarter project is overfunded?

This often means that the creator can continue the project beyond Kickstarter — and backers are part of that story. In this series, a few creators share details on what changed when their projects were overfunded.

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How long should your crowdfunding campaigns last?

Set a deadline. Your funding period can last anywhere from one to 60 days. Statistically, though, projects lasting 30 days or fewer have our highest success rates. Shorter periods set a tone of confidence, help motivate people to back, and let you make a planned, concerted push to spread the word.

How do I get support for a Kickstarter project?

Consider your reach. Kickstarter is a great way to share your ideas with new people. Still, most of your support will come from your core networks, and the people most familiar with your work.