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What must be followed by a Jain to attain moksha?

What must be followed by a Jain to attain moksha?

According to Jainism, purification of soul and liberation can be achieved through the path of three jewels: Samyak darśana (Correct View), meaning faith, acceptance of the truth of soul (jīva); Samyak jnana (Correct Knowledge), meaning undoubting knowledge of the tattvas; and Samyak charitra (Correct Conduct), meaning …

What leads to moksha according to Mahavira?

After a final period of intensive fasting he attained moksha, the final liberation from all rebirth. Mahavira added the principle of chastity to the four Jain principles already given by Parshva (no violence, no lying, no stealing, no possessions).

What is the ultimate goal of Jainism and how is it attained?

The ultimate goal is to get rid of one’s karma on their soul so that they may end this cycle. Once this goal is reached their soul has attained all knowledge and it rests in the heavens forever (Nirvana). Karma theory is about actions and the results they bring to the soul’s path.

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Why karma and moksha were important to the Jains?

Morality and ethics are important in Jainism not because of a God, but because a life led in agreement with moral and ethical principles (mahavrata) is considered beneficial: it leads to a decrease—and finally to the total loss of—karma, which in turn leads to everlasting happiness.

What is the ultimate aim of Jainism *?

Jains believe nonviolence is the most essential religious duty for everyone (ahinsā paramo dharmaḥ, a statement often inscribed on Jain temples). It is an indispensable condition for liberation from the cycle of reincarnation, which is the ultimate goal of all Jain activities.

What are the main beliefs of Jainism?

Doctrines of Jainism. Even though Jain doctrine holds that no one can achieve liberation in this corrupt time, the Jain religious goal is the complete perfection and purification of the soul. This, they believe, occurs only when the soul is in a state of eternal liberation (moksha) from corporeal bodies.

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What is ahimsa in Jainism?

(a) Ahimsa – Jains believe in complete non-violence. They believe that even mental torture (harsh words or actions) should be avoided at all costs. (b) Asteya – Never steal anything from someone else’s possession. They believe that even when accepting help or aid from someone, one shouldn’t take more than what is the minimum needed.

What do Jainism monks wear?

Jains are also divided into two communities – Shvetember and Digambar. Digambar monks (like Mahavira) don’t wear any clothes, but they also don’t walk without clothes outside their temples. The Digambers include only men in their society. The Shvetembers monks wear white clothes, and they include women too in their society.

Are there any priests in Jainism?

No Priests Jainism has no priests.The religious people in Jainism are monks and nuns, who lead strict and ascetic lives. 7. Respect Living Being