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What one change do you wish you could make in the world?

What one change do you wish you could make in the world?

There should be education, housing, healthcare for all. There should be better treatment of animals. There should be more openness towards ideas that conflict our own. We should end global warming, crime, war, racism, terrorism, cancer, pollution, poverty, climate change and more.

What are some things that need to be changed in the world?

If you need some inspiration or a motivational kick in the butt, here are 20 things worth changing:

  • Limited access to electricity.
  • Poor treatment of animals.
  • Underfunded green technologies.
  • Bullying.
  • The shortage of jobs.
  • Public education.
  • Time and gravity.
  • The traditional career mentality.
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What are the things you want to change in the world?

What age is Barack Obama?

60 years (August 4, 1961)
Barack Obama/Age

How can I have a positive impact on the world?

How To Make A Positive Impact on The World

  1. Make A Positive Impact By Improving Yourself. How easy it is, to spot the flaws in other people.
  2. Make A Positive Impact By Being A Community Leader.
  3. Make A Positive Impact Through Your Work.
  4. Make A Positive Impact By Teaching Your Kids Well.

What would you change if you could change three things?

Well, if I could change three things it would be pollution, health and violence. I chose these three reasons because they are some of the world’s most harmful things. I believe that by getting rid of these three things the world can be its true self, a happy, beautiful, and fun place to live.

What would you wish to make the world a better place?

There are many things that could help make the world a better place. These are three wishes that would help out. These are world peace, no harmful drugs, and no criminals. If this happened the world would be a less dangerous place for everybody. Out of the three wishes the most important wish would be world peace.

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What are three wishes that would help out the world?

These are three wishes that would help out. These are world peace, no harmful drugs, and no criminals. If this happened the world would be a less dangerous place for everybody. Out of the three wishes the most important wish would be world peace. This would help in many different ways.

Does the world need a little more peace?

Right now one thing is abundantly clear: The world could use a little more peace, love, and understanding. There is suffering to be eased; there are wrongs to be righted. If you read the daily headlines and wish someone could just step in and make things better, we have good news: Someone can—and you already know just the woman for the job.