What order should I read Friedrich Nietzsche?

What order should I read Friedrich Nietzsche?

One good way in is the Genealogy of Morals, which for Nietzsche is relatively systematic….

  2. Human All too Human (Hollingdale’s Translation)
  3. The Day Break (Hollingdale’s Translation)
  4. The Gay Science.
  5. The Twilight of the idols (Kaufmann’s Translation)
  6. The Antichrist (Kaufmann’s Translation)

Should I read beyond good and evil or Thus Spoke Zarathustra first?

No. It is not. Infact, they both say the same thing, just that Zarathustra, being a philosophical novel, is more poetic and less detailed. However, If you are reading to understand Nietzsche, I recommend you read BGE.

What should I know before reading Nietzsche?

Read the essays ‘Nature’, ‘Self-Reliance’, ‘Fate’, and ‘History’. You will see how the two mens’ metaphysics, ethics, and aesthetics are quite similar. I think that Emerson had a large influence on Nietzsche’s idea of the Dionysian, the togetherness of men and nature, and our responsibility for the future of the world.

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What Nietzsche book should I start with?

With Nietzsche, you could start with his first book, The Birth of Tragedy. This is both informative and readable (and short), and gives an insight into his entire project. Then you could cut to his late little books Ecce Homo and The Antichrist.

What do you think about Nietzsche’s philosophy?

Nietzsche often bases his thoughts on or criticizes various traditions (or specific philosophers or ideas) without explicitly naming them (he often says things like “those who …”). (if you can read Nietzsche in German you will realize he’s a master of language on par with Goethe and there are often many layers and intricacies to what he says).

What should I read first when reading Nietzsche?

Don’t read anything first. Life is short, just go ahead and read Nietzsche. If you like it, read him cover to cover. Nietzsche is pretty self-contained, although it helps to know his context somewhat. A good History of Western Philosophy (just look for a well-reviewed one on Amazon) should do the trick. Just read that and then head into Nietzsche.

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What do Nietzsche and Emerson have in common?

Nietzsche loved Emerson, and you can totally see it in his writing! Emerson was a transcendentalist and believed in a very radical individualism. Read the essays ‘Nature’, ‘Self-Reliance’, ‘Fate’, and ‘History’. You will see how the two mens’ metaphysics, ethics, and aesthetics are quite si OK.