Tips and tricks

What percentage of kids love their parents?

What percentage of kids love their parents?

79\% of kids said they feel close to their parents. 77\% of parents said they feel close to their kids.

What percent of parents are bad parents?

Study finds 20 percent of mums and dads have been called “bad parents”

How many people think they have good parents?

A study of 2,000 parents of school-aged children found 76\% believe they’re a better parent than their own. And three in four respondents think parenting is more difficult in the modern world than it was when they were children.

What percentage of parents are supportive?

A Merrill Lynch survey last year found that 79\% of parents financially support an adult child between the ages of 18 and 34. Some have their kids living at home.

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Do good parents produce bad kids?

Sometimes, Good Parents Produce Bad Kids When kids act out, it’s often the parents who get the blame. Whether they’re getting in trouble in school or misbehaving with family, many parents worry they’re doing something wrong. But that may not always be the case.

What do parents really think about being a parent?

At the same time, 87\% of parents across the board say they work hard to be an even better parent. 91\% say parenting is their greatest joy. 70\% say they feel their life started when they became a parent. 73\% say parenting is their biggest challenge. Across demographic segments, parents want to improve their parenting and seek help in doing so:

What percentage of parents don’t get the support they need?

When parents are overwhelmed or stressed, they lack adequate support, and some get no support at all: Almost half (48\%) of all parents don’t feel they are getting the support they need when they feel stressed. Moms are more likely (57\%) to say they have inadequate support than dads (39\%).

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What do parents say is their biggest challenge with parenting?

73\% say parenting is their biggest challenge. Across demographic segments, parents want to improve their parenting and seek help in doing so: 83\% of parents from all backgrounds agree that good parenting can be learned. 69\% of parents say that if they knew more positive parenting strategies they would use them.