
What percentage of the world reads?

What percentage of the world reads?

In 20 years the proportion of adults in the world who can read and write has increased from 75\% to 84\%.

How many books the average person reads?

12 books
According to the Pew Research Center, the average adult American reads 12 books a year, with half of Americans reading 4 or less.

What percentage of the UK population reads books?

53\% of UK adults say they have read a book in the last year, and the lockdown has led more of us to e-books and shopping online… Data from Kantar’s Worldpanel division shows that the market is looking healthy, with 2.3\% growth year-on-year.

What are the statistics of reading?

The Top 10 Reading Statistics and Facts 43 million US adults possess low literacy skills. People aged 15–44 in the US spend 10 minutes or less per day reading. 27\% of adults in the US didn’t read a book in 2018. The United States literacy rate positions the country as number 28 in the World Factbook.

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What country reads the most books?

According to the index, India read the most, followed by Thailand and China.

How many books should you read in a lifetime?

How Many Books Will You Read in a Lifetime? Around 4600, If You Read Fast – Slashdot.

How much does the average person read UK?

Brits read an average of 10 books each year. Women read an average of 12 books per year, while men read an average of 8. Those aged over 55 read an average of 12 books per year, compared to just 6 for those aged 18-34 years old.

Do people read books in 2021?

US Book Statistics 2021 Adult fiction and nonfiction showed modest increases of 6\% and 4.8\%, respectively. Juvenile nonfiction rose 23.1\% while juvenile fiction — which targets third-grade and fourth-grade readers — jumped 11\%. Middle school students and high school were behind the biggest gains.

How many books does the average American read?

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According to the research, Americans read a mean average of 12 books per year, and the typical (median) American has read four books in the past 12 months.

How many people still read books?

Roughly seven-in-ten U.S. adults (72\%) say they have read a book in the past 12 months in any format, a figure that has remained largely unchanged since 2012, according to a Pew Research Center survey conducted Jan. 8-Feb. 7, 2019.

Reading Statistics. 56 percent of young people say they read more than 10 books a year, with middle school students reading the most. Some 70 percent of middle school students read more than 10 books a year, compared with only 49 percent of high school students.

What are some facts about reading?

Fact 7: Reading is one of the ancient skills known to help the human world for it provides different information about the things that surround us. Fact 8: Having average reading skills, the human eye makes at least 12 to 16 stops in a book while a fast reader makes at least 2 to 4 stops.