
What planets could we colonize?

What planets could we colonize?

Bodies in the inner Solar System have been considered for terraforming and space colonization. The main candidates for colonization in the inner Solar System are Mars and Venus. Other possible candidates for colonization include the Moon and even Mercury.

Can a human claim a planet?

No, people cannot legally buy planets, at least for now. There isn’t any way to legally enforce a claim to a planet, and courts have rejected similar claims in the past. International law forbids countries from claiming any celestial body, meaning a nation cannot grant space real estate to its citizens.

Can we build a self-sustaining colony in space?

Building a self-sustaining colony in space comes with huge hurdles for humanity. (Image credit: NASA/Pat Rawlings) As humans explore other worlds, the colonies they develop may change over time.

What would it take for a colony to become independent?

At that point, the colonists may seek to become fully independent from Earth, much like many of England’s colonies did from the home country, Davis said. Each colony might approach its negotiations for materials differently, he said. “They’ll find that out [what they value], and play political judo.”

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What are the benefits of space colonization?

The benefits that await us as direct or incidental byproducts of space colonization could include advances in architectural design, alternative fuel production, 3D printing and low-gravity manufacturing to name but a few.

How many people would it take to colonize the Earth?

The panelists named another requirement for full independence that Earth’s colonists never had to worry about: genetic diversity. Finke said the minimum viable human population is around 10,000. That doesn’t mean a young colony would require 10,000 people to be self-sustaining.