
What questions are asked in maths Viva Class 11?

What questions are asked in maths Viva Class 11?

What do you know about principle of mathematical induction? What do you learn about linear equalities? What are complex numbers and quadratic equations? Distinguish the terms permutation and combination?

What is Viva in Class 11?

A viva simply means a university examination during which students answer questions in speech and these questions are commonly based on a particular project or discipline. If you want to know how to tackle these questions properly, then this blog is a must-read for you!

What is the meaning of maths Viva?

It is an oral assessment conducted through questioning and is widely used in universities after the submission of a research thesis (also known as oral defense).

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How can I prepare for 11 maths?

Make Notes Regular studies and completing your CBSE Class 11 Maths Syllabus on time wins you half the game. Complete your projects, assignments and practicals on the day they are assigned and get them out of your way. Start with easier chapters and gradually proceed to topics that you find more difficult.

What is practical exam Class 11?

The Class 11th CBSE Practical Exams are conducted internally in all the schools and are held before the theory exams. All the practical marks are added with your theory paper exams. Due to the different situations this year, you can expect a delay in exams and leniency in the practical exams.

What are the physics Viva questions?

Physics Practical viva-voce Questions-2019.

  • Examiner (E): What was the experiment allotted to you?
  • E: OK, Tell me the principle of a potentiometer?
  • E: Good.
  • E: What are the factors affecting internal resistance?
  • E: Good; how does the internal resistance change if we increase the area of electrodes?
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    What language is Viva from?

    Viva, vive, and vivat are interjections used in the Romance languages. Viva in Spanish (plural Vivan), Portuguese, and Italian (Also evviva.